WoT Supertest: Kpz. Pr.68 (P) Changes

Kpz. Pr.68 (P) [Germany, Tier-8, MT, premium, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension]

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• Tank repair cost: from 7,695 to 7,410 credits
• Aiming time: from 1.73 to 1.92 sec
• Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.20 (11.00) to 0.25 (13.75)
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max.): from 0.20 (7.93) to 0.25 (9.91)
• HP of the tank: from 1350 to 1300

// For all regions.

11 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Kpz. Pr.68 (P) Changes

  1. WTF is that gun stabilization? This thing can’t be a MT right???

    1. 0.2 used to be same as 122TM but i think they nerfed it to compensate for the speed this thing has over it

    2. Were you expecting good stabilization from a HT gun used by a MT? Have you ever played 122TM?

      1. I don’t give a fck about what kind of gun it uses.
        I care only about what kind of tools it has.
        In this case, no turret armor = no hulldown capability = Frontline? See you never.
        This means it has to have the ability to snipe effectively.
        But unfortunately, decent gun accuracy but very poor gun stabilization, bad DPM, mediocre alpha compared to other snipers such as Skorpion & SU-130 PM, poor AP pen for a sniper, good HEAT pen but mediocre shell velocity.
        The 122TM has 0.20 base when moving, which is literally 0.25 with a built-in V.Stab.
        That comes with the same accuracy, with turret armor & hull armor, with 1368m/s APCR and the same HEAT.
        It’s slower but it’s not like 50% slower. 45 actual top speed without a Turbo on flat medium terrain is more than enough for a tank that can play in frontline.
        Tell me a reason to play this Kpz.68 over the 122TM or Skorpion?

        1. If you don’t like it, then what are you complaining about? Don’t buy it, it’s that simple.

          Tell me a reason to play this Kpz.68 over the 122TM or Skorpion?

          This one is German, 122TM is Chinese.

            1. Whatever he is in real life, I don’t care. I care that he seems to rage every time something is not overpowered, which is stupid.

            2. What a gentlenman he is =)))))))))))
              What hole did you crawl out of, sir?

          1. What am I complaining about? What could it be rather than the incompetence from WG?
            They either make broken things or worthless things.
            If they make properly balanced tanks, there will be no complaining at all.
            I’ve stopped paying WG for a long time already.
            Your reason means nothing to me. I don’t care about nationality.
            And I’m no longer mad at WG after seeing such a long journey of them on milking and ruining the game =))))))))

            1. WG is not incompetent lol, how could they when they make hundreds of millions of dollars per year?

              And don’t be so arrogant. You are demanding WG tailors the game to your needs when you’re just one sand grain in the desert. Their concern is to increase revenue and keep the game popular, not satisfy one player among (at least) hundreds of thousands.

              1. They’re making money on our love for the game and on the legacy of those who have created WoT.
                The real WG was the company that had been constantly improving the game till 2017.
                The current WG is nothing more than just a name.
                Don’t you see how the game has been constantly going down for 3-4 years already?
                New contents now serve no purpose other than milking as much as possible.
                They don’t give a fuck about tons of problems that are currently making you feel worthless in those 3-15 battles.

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