Update 12.6 brings five new ships. American Super Battleship Maine, Italian Super Cruiser Piemonte, European Battleship Karl XIV Johan, British Battleship Scarlet Thunder, and British Cruiser Defence will be added to the game for testing.

American Super Battleship Maine

Maine represents our take on a further development of Montana, achieved by replacing the Tier X battleship’s four triple turrets with four quadruple ones.
Regarding the naming of the ship, in the 1920–1950s, only a few U.S. States remained shipless—and Maine was one of them. Moreover, the planned third ship of the Montana class, BB-69, would have been named USS Maine, had she been built.

Maine is armed with sixteen 406mm main battery guns. Compared to Montana, Maine’s guns have a higher salvo weight but a longer reload time and lower accuracy. She also has decent armor and good AA defenses, but a vulnerable citadel.

The ship has combat instructions which, once activated, increase the damage of her AA defenses and reduce the damage taken from fire and flooding. In order to activate it, the player needs to continuously score hits on an enemy ship.

Maine’s main set of consumables are similar to Montana, but she has no Fighter or Spotting Aircraft consumables.

ship’s parameters

American Super Battleship Maine

Hit points – 115100. Plating – 32 mm.
Torpedo protection – 51 %.
Main battery – 4×4 406 mm. Firing range – 24.2 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 5700. HE shell armor penetration – 68 mm. Chance to cause fire – 36%. HE initial velocity – 820 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 13500. AP initial velocity – 762 m/s.
Reload time – 35.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 45.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 302 m. Sigma – 1.70.
Combat Instructions:
Bonus to continuous AA damage +25.0 %. Damage received from fires -65.0 %. Damage received from flooding -65.0 %.Duration 45.0 s. Direct hits with main battery guns required to reach 100% progress – 13. Time spent without firing on target until adjustment firing progress begins to decay 50.0 s. Interval between steps of decay of adjustment firing progress 1.0. Rate of decay of adjustment firing progress 5.0 %.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 11.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4900.0.
Secondary Armament:
10×2 127.0 mm, range  – 7.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1800. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity – 808 m/s
AA defense: 20×4 20.0 mm., 6×2 76.2 mm., 10×2 127.0 mm., 16×1 20.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 431, hit probability – 70 %, action zone – 2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 333, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 4.0 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 382, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 6.0 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 13, damage within an explosion – 1820, action zone 3.5 – 6.0 km.
Maximum speed – 30.4 kt. Turning circle radius – 1070 m. Rudder shift time – 20.1 s. Surface detectability – 17.6 km. Air detectability – 15.5 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 17.8 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party (Duration time 20 s; Reload time 80 s; Equipment is unlimited)

2 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 759.66; Reload time 80 s; Charges 4)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

Italian Super Cruiser Piemonte

Piemonte is a representation of the “22,000 t. battlecruiser” project made by Italian shipbuilding company Ansaldo in 1936. The assumption is that such cruiser could have been built or completed after the end of WW2 and undergone a further modernization in the early 1960s when OTO Melara 76/62 guns could be installed.

We decided to name such a large cruiser after the region of Piedmont—the birthplace of the united Italy. It seems that such a powerful ship deserves an equally significant name, so in this case, we chose not to follow the traditional naming convention for light or heavy cruisers (condottieri or cities, respectively).

Piemonte will be a continuation of the Venezia branch. She is equipped with twelve 254mm main battery guns which deal good damage per salvo, but have a low rate of fire. The ship is also armed with eight torpedo tubes which have solid range and damage but low speed. Piemonte also has a well-protected citadel and good protection from HE shells, while also having high speed and good maneuverability.

Her consumables are represented by Repair Party and Exhaust Smoke Generator on different slots, but unlike Venezia, she has no Fighter or Spotting Aircraft.

ship’s parameters

Italian Super Cruiser Piemonte

Hit points – 61400. Plating – 25 mm. Fires duration: 30 s.
Torpedo protection – 19 %.
Main battery – 4×3 254 mm. Firing range – 17.8 km.
Maximum AP shell damage – 6150. AP initial velocity – 945 m/s.
Maximum SAP shell damage – 7000. SAP shell armor penetration – 67 mm. SAP initial velocity – 945 m/s.
Reload time – 21.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 25.7 s. Maximum dispersion – 156 m. Sigma – 2.05.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 8.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4900.0.
Torpedo tubes – 2×4 533 mm.
Maximum damage – 13900. Range – 13.5 km. Speed – 56 kt. Reload time – 95 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.1 km.
Secondary Armament:
6×2 135.0 mm, range  – 7.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1950. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity – 875 m/s
AA defense: 6×2 135.0 mm., 8×1 76.2 mm.
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 588, hit probability – 90 %, action zone – 4.0 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 53, hit probability – 90 %, action zone – 4.6 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 3, damage within an explosion – 1540, action zone 3.5 – 4.6 km.
Maximum speed – 37.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 810 m. Rudder shift time – 12.7 s. Surface detectability – 15.4 km. Air detectability – 10.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 11.2 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Repair Party

3 slot – Exhaust Smoke Generator

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

European Battleship Karl XIV Johan, Tier IX

It can be said that this battleship was assembled using various pieces of shipbuilding history. Let’s imagine that Germany began building one of their “Schnelle Grosskampfschiffe” designs during WW1 (45,000 t., 30 knots, 4 main battery turrets), but completed it only in 1930s with a new main armament and for a new owner—Sweden—which was actively developing its navy at that time. In the 1940s, the ship could have undergone a further modernization with the incorporation of the newest dual-purpose guns and AA guns manufactured by the Swedish company Bofors.

Some of the most powerful Swedish ships in the 19th-20th century were named after kings of Sweden. The 50,000 t. battleship is the best candidate to inherit the name of the 19th-century ship-of-the-line Karl XIV Johan, which, in turn, was named after the legendary Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte (Karl XIV Johan of Sweden)—outstanding military leader and founder of Bernadotte dynasty that now reigns in Sweden.

Karl XIV Johan is armed with twelve 305mm main battery guns which have a quick reload time but low damage per salvo and short range. The ship is also armed with sixteen torpedo tubes which have wide launching angles. The ship has a well-protected citadel and good concealment values but a rather low HP pool for a battleship.

Consumables are represented by Hydroacoustic Search and Repair Party with improved settings.

ship’s parameters

European Battleship Karl XIV Johan, Tier IX

Hit points – 72900. Plating – 32 mm.
Torpedo protection – 20 %.
Main battery – 4×3 305 mm. Firing range – 19.1 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 4350. HE shell armor penetration – 51 mm. Chance to cause fire – 28%. HE initial velocity – 865 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 8400. AP initial velocity – 865 m/s.
Reload time – 23.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 30.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 251 m. Sigma – 1.80.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.
Torpedo tubes – 4×4 533 mm.
Maximum damage – 10700. Range – 13.5 km. Speed – 86 kt. Reload time – 86 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.6 km.
Secondary Armament:
14×1 150.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2200. Chance to cause fire – 13%. HE initial velocity – 835 m/s
6×2 120.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700. Chance to cause fire – 7%. HE initial velocity – 850 m/s
AA defense: 16×1 40.0 mm., 6×2 120.0 mm.
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 669, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 165, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 6.0 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 7, damage within an explosion – 1610, action zone 3.5 – 6.0 km.
Maximum speed – 30.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 890 m. Rudder shift time – 16.4 s. Surface detectability – 13.0 km. Air detectability – 11.3 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 10.3 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 364.5; Reload time 80 s; Charges 4)

3 slot – Hydroacoustic Search (Duration time 100 s; Torpedo detection range 3.5 km; Ship detection range 5.0 km; Reload time 120 s; Charges 3)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

British Battleship Scarlet Thunder, Tier IX  

Scarlet Thunder will visually resemble Duncan but will have different gameplay settings.

Scarlet Thunder will keep most of Duncan’s features but her gameplay will be closer to that of a standard Battleship—the ship will have better plating (32mm), no torpedoes, and no Engine Boost consumable. The main battery guns have a longer firing range and reduced reload time, and the HE shells will deal more damage.

Scarlet Thunder is armed with nine 419 mm main battery guns whose HE shells deal heavy damage and have high penetration. The AP shells have good efficiency against lightly armored targets. The ship has good firing accuracy, good concealment values, and quick rudder shift. However, similar to Duncan, she has weak protection against HE shells and torpedoes, as well as a vulnerable citadel.

Her consumables are represented by Repair party and Defensive AA fire.

ship’s parameters

British Battleship Scarlet Thunder, Tier IX

Hit points – 75200. Plating – 32 mm.
Torpedo protection – 23 %.
Main battery – 3×3 419 mm. Firing range – 22.2 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 7200. HE shell armor penetration – 105 mm. Chance to cause fire – 48%. HE initial velocity – 792 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 13050. AP initial velocity – 747 m/s.
Reload time – 27.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 282 m. Sigma – 1.90.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.
Secondary Armament:
6×2 133.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1900. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 792 m/s
8×2 113.0 mm, range  – 7.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 746 m/s
AA defense: 12×2 40.0 mm., 10×2 20.0 mm., 12×1 20.0 mm., 6×8 40.0 mm., 6×2 133.0 mm., 8×2 113.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 200, hit probability – 70 %, action zone – 2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 627, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 137, hit probability – 75 %, action zone – 6.0 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 7, damage within an explosion – 1470, action zone 3.5 – 6.0 km.
Maximum speed – 32.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 910 m. Rudder shift time – 9.7 s. Surface detectability – 15.1 km. Air detectability – 11.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 15.4 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Repair Party

3 slot – Defensive AA Fire

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

British Cruiser Defence, Tier X

Defence is a large cruiser with a Nelson-like hull design and the 356mm main armament from the King George V class battleships.

HMS Defence is a traditional name in the Royal Navy. The last ship of this name was a large armored cruiser that sank at the Battle of Jutland. One of the Swiftsure-class cruisers was to be HMS Defence (launched in 1944), but it was renamed HMS Lion before completion.

Defence is armed with six 356mm main battery guns located on the bow of the ship which deal good damage per salvo. Her HE shells have a higher chance to cause fire while the AP shells have improved ricochet angles. However, the main battery guns have a long reload time and their traverse speed is low. Defence is also armed with eight torpedo tubes with wide bow launching angles.

Her consumables are represented by Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, and Short-Burst Smoke Generator in different slots.

ship’s parameters

British Cruiser Defence, Tier X

Hit points – 60600. Plating – 25 mm. Fires duration: 60 s.
Torpedo protection – 19 %.
Main battery – 3×2 356 mm. Firing range – 16.8 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 6100. HE shell armor penetration – 89 mm. Chance to cause fire – 41%. HE initial velocity – 757 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 10500. AP initial velocity – 757 m/s.
Reload time – 28.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 189 m. Sigma – 2.05.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 8.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4900.0.
Torpedo tubes – 2×4 622 mm.
Maximum damage – 21067. Range – 10.0 km. Speed – 67 kt. Reload time – 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 15.0 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.7 km.
Instead of choosing between wide and narrow spreads, captains can choose to fire off individual torpedoes or expend the entire launcher at once
Secondary Armament:
8×2 133.0 mm, range  – 7.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1900. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 792 m/s
AA defense: 8×6 40.0 mm., 6×2 40.0 mm., 8×2 133.0 mm.
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 504, hit probability – 90 %, action zone – 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 77, hit probability – 90 %, action zone – 5.2 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 4, damage within an explosion – 1610, action zone 3.5 – 5.2 km.
Maximum speed – 33.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 770 m. Rudder shift time – 12.7 s. Surface detectability – 14.1 km. Air detectability – 9.5 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 12.6 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 303.0; Reload time 80 s; Charges 3)

3 slot – Hydroacoustic Search

4 slot – Short-Burst Smoke Generator (Duration time 15 s; Duration time 40 s; Radius 600.0 m; Reload time 70 s; Charges 5)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

Additional ships that are coming back to testing in 12.6

Japanese Cruiser Kitakami, Tier X

We will continue testing of Kitakami in update 12.6, as previously mentioned in our devblog post. The main balance change for Kitakami will be the introduction of torpedo loaders similar to submarines, two of them in total, one for each side of the ship. After firing all four torpedoes from one launcher, the torpedo launchers will reload 1 by 1. Each side of the ship can only reload one launcher at a time. The loader mechanic will reduce the frequency with which Kitakami can launch large torpedo salvos, but will still leave the ship able to actively participate in battle and gradually launch torpedoes when necessary.

ship’s parameters

Japanese Cruiser Kitakami, Tier X

Hit points – 28500. Plating – 16 mm. Fires duration: 30 s.
Main battery – 4×1 140 mm. Firing range – 11.2 km.
Maximum SAP shell damage – 3050. SAP shell armor penetration – 39 mm. SAP initial velocity – 850 m/s.
Reload time – 4.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 21.2 s. Maximum dispersion – 110 m. Sigma – 2.05.
Depth charges:
Maximum damage – 4600.0. Number of charges – 2. Bombs in a charge – 10. Reload time – 40.0 s.
Torpedo tubes – 10×4 610 mm.
Maximum damage – 11833. Range – 14.0 km. Speed – 82 kt. Reload time – 81 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.7 km.
Number of torpedo tube loaders on the left side 1.Number of torpedo tube loaders on the right side 1.
AA defense: 2×2 25.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 11, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
Maximum speed – 32.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 640 m. Rudder shift time – 7.0 s. Surface detectability – 9.8 km. Air detectability – 5.0 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 4.3 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Short-Burst Smoke Generator (Duration time 15 s; Duration time 40 s; Radius 450.0 m; Reload time 80 s; Charges 6)

3 slot – Engine Boost (Duration time 120 s; Maximum speed +8%; Reload time 120 s; Charges 3)

4 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 142.5; Reload time 80 s; Charges 3)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

German Submarine U-4501, Tier X

U-4501 will be added to the game for testing with the following balance changes:

  • Maximum submerged speed is reduced from 41 to 36kt.
  • Diving plane shift time is increased from 11 to 19s.
  • Dive capacity is reduced from 350 to 210.
  • Dive capacity recharge is increased from 0.8 to 2.
  • Acoustic torpedo range is increased from 6.3 to 8.5km and their reload time is reduced from 91 to 60s.
  • Sonar range is increased from 6.3 to 8.5km.
  • Added “Repair Party Consumable” which can be used only in the surfaced position.

The above-mentioned balance changes will make it more difficult for U-4501 to quickly go behind enemy lines and fire her torpedoes at close range without being noticed. At the same time, the range and cooldown of Acoustic torpedoes are improved, which allows for a more tactical approach in the submarine’s gameplay: attacking enemies from unexpected directions and from a long distance, which leaves them time to counterplay. Reduction of the dive capacity and Repair Party available only in the surfaced state make the submarine spend more time on the surface than before and hence, have more chances to get spotted if not moving carefully in the battlefield.

ship’s parameters

German Submarine U-4501, Tier X

Hit points – 10200. Plating – 19 mm.
Dive capacity 210 units. Dive capacity depletion 1 units/s. Dive Capacity recharge rate 2 units/s.
Reload time 7.0 s; Duration of a ping effect on a highlighted sector –  25.0 s, double highlighted sector – 65.0 s; Ping velocity 500; Maximum range 8.5 km
Torpedo tubes – 10×1 533 mm.
Maximum damage – 8633. Range – 8.5 km. Speed – 82 kt. Reload time – 60 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 15.0 s. Torpedo detectability – 2.2 km.
Alternative torpedo:
Maximum damage – 12500. Range – 6.3 km. Speed – 62 kt. Reload time – 60 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 15.0 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.9 km.
Number of stern torpedo tube loaders 6.Number of bow torpedo tube loaders 4.
Instead of choosing between wide and narrow spreads, captains can choose to fire off individual torpedoes or expend the entire launcher at once
Maximum speed – 20.0 kt. Maximum Submerged Speed – 36.0 kt. Turning circle radius – 350 m. Rudder shift time – 4.9 s. Surface detectability – 5.4 km. Air detectability – 2.1 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 0.0 km.
Available consumables:

1 slot – Damage Control Party

2 slot – Hydrophone (Duration time 30 s; Ship bearing distance 8.0 km; Interval between pings 6 s; Reload time 80 s; Equipment is unlimited)

3 slot – Submarine Surveillance (Duration time 60 s; Submarine spotting range at maximum depth 9.0 km; Preparation time at the beginning of the battle 330 s; Reload time 120 s; Equipment is unlimited)

4 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 40 s; HP per second 51.0; Reload time 80 s; Charges 2)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

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