19 thoughts on “(IS-7) – World of Tanks vs Armored Warfare vs War Thunder

  1. Oh this one is easy.

    WT IS-7 was an impossibly rare drop from loot crates (the devs themselves said it was, like, 0,000001% or something).

    WoT IS-7 is dragged down by need for gold ammo.

    AW IS-7 is easy to acquire, it’s a premium, and that game does not have gold ammo.

      1. The Russian community keeps the game alive, but I see a lot of European usernames too. Can’t comment about the NA community though, it was nearing extinction before the global server merge and that was years ago.

      2. Been playing AW since Alpha Test. It does many things better than WoT, and tanks in AW are using more complex systems (smoke screens, MGs, APS, mechanised infantry,…). Also, the f2p economy is much more player friendly, e.g. you never end a game losing credits, even at tier 10.

        WoT definitely looks prettier and is more casual player friendly, but it suffers from tanks becoming unplayable due to WG’s retarded ever-changing meta. I enjoy switching from WoT to AW on days when WG decides to fuck me over with their RNG and MM.
        I always saw AW as an extension to WoT, as it covers the era from the 60s to the present. Also, it has no made up BS tonks in it.

  2. Armored warfare nobody plays it because it is a rather worse version of world of tanks simply as that
    Warthunder is hard to gind the lines and harder when you play for free and has not that much free premiums as world of tanks has aka hard to grind also if you are half blind or poor you re fkt ( you cannot play)
    World of tanks suffers feom alot of things but at least it is ballanced between players of course wargaming is going in the direction of armored warfare with the release of 176 that simply distroys random and makes ppl go to tier 5 or lower

    1. “Armored warfare nobody plays it because it is a rather worse version of world of tanks”

      My guy AW literally fixes everything that’s ass in World of Tanks. Its only downside is low pop.

      1. AW was good when it wasn’t russian. Nowadays they’re just dropping prem tanks und do literally nothing for more useful content. They are milking the game as long as they can. They know no one will be left soon…WoT has a lot of issues but at least u dont need 30min to find a game. Also AW did troll a lot of people with their prem tank philosophy. For example I bought the Tier VI BMPT Terminator. Then they made it into a Tier VIII which was good but then they changed it into some ugly prototype version of BMPT. I did buy it because it was a terminator and never wanted that ugly thing they left me with.

      2. “My guy AW literally fixes everything that’s ass in World of Tanks. Its only downside is low pop.”

        Disagree. Its technically worse engineering-wise. Also I dislike how even real vehicles whose stats we do know for sure have wacky made up stats in-game.
        Yes, I know WoT plays with real world hard stats too and I dislike it. But seeing a T-55 with made-up armour triggers me more so I wont play it.

      3. Its fixes so much things it has nonexistant playerbase. Logic not found. Armored warfare absolutists were joke when it started and are joke to this date. Trash mobile game pretty much.

      4. Tbh that’s why AW died in the first place. They did everything the players that left WOT wanted that they hated with WOT. Literally everything. Turns out it created a hot mess.

        Tho that said, after they fired the first US based studio that did this and mail.ru more or less took over, they did revert some changes and let others stay to make it better. Sadly it was way to late to make anyone come back.

      5. AW is worse than WOT in every way. It looks worse and plays worse. AW is garbage. WT is not comparable to WOT since it’s not an arcade game, but I have never even tried it.

  3. This is why everyone still keeps wot. It may be shit but it’s the best shit out of three big shits

    1. spoken like a poet 🙂
      harsh, but true.

      Would be good to have a real/normal/human company make a good tank game for once. Let’s see what will become of GHPC in the future.

  4. While I realize that anyone can have a bad experience, I haven’t found the BZ-176 to be much more than a meme tank. I’ve killed enough of them without resorting to extraordinary efforts. At least on NA it’s going to be like any other Tier-VIII tank in that it’s going to be bottom or mid-tier as often as not.

    1. its a OverPowered vehicle that decimates tanks with no armour low alpha low pen, in tier 7,6 dominates because it has a boomstick that none can avoid
      the best thing they can do its to not sell it again, ever if they do sell it again, it will be the main reason world of tanks died

  5. Its not about graphics.
    Lets compare communities:
    – wot. isntantly lost

    Comparisson is over.

    (its not because they attract a different crowd, BUT, wg chose to NOT give a single damn in 10+years. not one. they dont care for toxics, cheating, or anything else… not for a half second. they just pretend that topic doesnt exist and therefor its not an issue. aint that wonderful?

    your car has no tires but if we close our eyes we can drive on rims down the road! nobody will know!

    but sure:
    WT looks nicer.
    thought AW plays nicer.
    WT tanks are tedious, slow, and map design is shit at tier 8+ (just hull down fights and you can do even less than in wot because tanks drive like tanks. aka slow chugging tubs of lead

    eh. at least their planes are fun.
    unlike those from wg. remember? the game they dont speak of? hah

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