WoT ASIA: Auction 2023 Day 3 – “Mars” Progetto 46

“Mars” Progetto 46 (Italy, Tier-8, MT, premium)
MINIMUM BID: 150.000 free exp
NUMBER OF ITEMS: 2,000 items

6_joVzfmU 1_YJpx6tt 2_KgDEHRa 3_vlgBFoj 4_siP4YEh 5_7KwsWKa 9-1_l8nlu3i 10_kW4yrAW 7_h659RrL 8-1_zW5jOFD 13_BkfhOdf 14_cToVNHR 12-1_C2RrZgk 11_xzvmWTa

19 thoughts on “WoT ASIA: Auction 2023 Day 3 – “Mars” Progetto 46

  1. Would be an overpriced gold auction on EU most likely (starting at 10K – my guess). Not going to dump my gold on this. If by some miracle its free XP, I can bid something.

  2. Very low item count even for the ASIA server, if EU also gets a pathetic count AND is actually free xp instead of gold, this’ll go runaway competitive because, ugly or not, it’s still a prog 46 for “free”.

  3. Already have the vanilla Progetto with the safari style, and even if I didn’t I would not pay anything for this skin.

    1. Still every auction on EU has sold out as far as I know. So I guess they are indeed doing good work in their eyes. This is only for the whales and the collectors. Let them.

  4. It depends on personal preferences. I have no problem with these kinds of reskinned tanks.
    People have different tastes and if these tastes don’t bother you, be respectful to those who put their time and efforts making these and those who give away their money to keep this game alive a bit longer.

      1. Wow, what a gentleman.
        If I’m not mistaking then you have a serious problem reading words correctly.
        I’m from Asia server, which contains all South-East Asian countries, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, but not China.
        Being racist solves nothing apart proving that you have little-to-none education.
        Have a good day sir xD

        1. The ASIA server has 2 nodes, Hong Kong and ANZ (Australia&New Zealand). The server covers Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, the Phillipines, and the myriad of other nations in that part of the world. It also has Australian and New Zealand players. It is not the Chinese server which is a different company that licences the game.

          1. Oh I forgot ANZ xD
            Sometimes I logged in there accidentally then I had battles with 200+ ping, comparable with EU/NA servers.
            I guess I still have to wait for like a decade or more if I want to play in other regions comfortably.

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