WoT: 1.19 Common Test Patchnotes

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

The following vehicle has been added: SU-2-122
The following vehicle has been added: Pz.Kpfw. KW I (r)
The following vehicle has been added: A25 Harry Hopkins I
The following vehicle has been added: M16/43 Sahariano
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: T32M
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: 116-F3

Main Changes

Experimental Equipment

A new type of equipment (Experimental Equipment) has been added. This equipment combines the bonuses of various equipment types that already exist in the game.

There are 3 types of Experimental Equipment on the list:

  • Fire-Control System (combines the bonuses of the Enhanced Gun Laying Drive and Vertical Stabilizer)
  • Mobility Improvement System (combines the bonuses of the Turbocharger and Improved Rotation Mechanism)
  • Survival Improvement Suite (combines the bonuses of Improved Hardening and Modified Configuration)

Experimental Equipment can be upgraded and has 3 tiers.

Arcade Cabinet

The Arcade Cabinet mode has been launched for technical testing.

Two sub-modes from the previous launches are available: Element of Surprise and Tranquility. These sub-modes will be available on the live servers once the next update is released.

Both sub-modes will be available at the same time, and rewards will be provided via a special Arcade Cabinet Mission interface.

Matchmaking Changes

In their first battles, beginners will not encounter experienced players.

Known Issues

Launch of Arcade Cabinet on the Common Test

The Arcade Cabinet mode will be launched on the Common Test servers as part of update testing. Two sub-modes from the previous launches will be available: Element of Surprise and Tranquility.

Players will be able to participate in battles according to the standard Arcade Cabinet rules, but the mode will now feature several updates: two sub-modes will be available at the same time, and instead of the combat missions that were previously available in the Arcade Cabinet mode and rewarded players with bonds, rewards will be provided via a special Arcade Cabinet Mission interface.

One thought on “WoT: 1.19 Common Test Patchnotes

  1. “””In their first battles, beginners will not encounter experienced players

    … A bit late isn’t it?
    Ah right how else you get AusfJ sold…

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