Project M (
USA, Tier-8, MT, premium).
• Gun reload: 9.20 to 10.83 s
• Gun rate of fire: 6.52 to 5.54
• Average DPM with (AP) shell: 2,086 to 1,772
• Average DPM with (HEAT, Special) shell: from 2,086 to 1,772
• Average DPM with (HE) shell: from 2,738 to 2,326
Char Mle. 75 (France, Tier-9, LT, premium, autoloader with 4 shells in different engine modes).
• Shells in the drum: from 6 to 4
• Number of shells in the clip: from 3 to 2
• Aiming time: from 2.40 to 2.68 s
• Gun rate of fire: from 7.32 to 4.96
• Dispersion by 100m: 0.34 to 0.36
• Dispersion after shot: 2.00 to 4.00
• Average DPM with (AP) shell: from 1,831 to 1,241
• Average DPM with (APCR, Special) shell: from 1,831 to 1,241
• Average DPM with (HE) shell: from 2,930 to 1,985
• View range: from 390 to 370 m
Turbo firepower:
• Shells in the drum: from 6 to 4
• Number of shells in the clip: from 3 to 2
• Gun fire rate: 7.21 to 4.92
• Spread at 100 m: c 0.34 to 0.36
• Average DPM with (AP) shell: from 1,802 to 1,231
• Average DPM with (APCR, Special) shell: from 1,802 to 1,231
• Average DPM with (HE) shell: from 2,883 to 1,969
• View range: 370 to 350 m
Source: WOT Express
The “”super pershing M”” must be a tier 9 not nerfed
Why the heck nerfing the view range in a light WG WTF is in your brainless balance team
It’s what they sometimes do when they test new vehicles. Nerf them really hard, then buff them until their stats are in somewhere in the middle of being Shit an OP
Wg: its a lt its not allout to be better then medium tanks.. Why yes the gun is for show!
exactly, thats why i never say anything about the overbuffs or overnerfs of supertest tanks
Absolutely. The Project M should be buffed into Tier IX. What they should sell us for a Tier VIII premium is a standard M47 Patton.
Dumbasses don’t have a clue how to balance anything unless it friggin Soviet.
They make it OP then test it, then nerf it and test it. Then the final value will be between.
You fucktards don’t understand testing.
But when they have 45% players in EU as super testers then 🤦🏻♂️