Supertest: SMV CC-67 (Initial Stats)

We have the tier 8 of the upcoming IT TD Tech tree coming to the supertest,

The Tier VIII SMV CC-67 tank destroyer is coming to the Supertest soon.  This vehicle will represent a new branch of Italian tank destroyers, capable of fierce combat at both medium and close range. Starting from Tier VII, all vehicles in the branch are equipped with the magazine loading system. Although they may operate a bit differently from conventional guns, in most cases, the gameplay should be the same as that on vehicles featuring cyclic-loading systems.

When comparing the gun parameters of Italian tank destroyers with those of other TDs, you’ll notice that the Italian vehicles have a long reload time between shells but cause decent damage per shot. However, they boast a short reload time for the full magazine.

The vehicle offers a choice between two guns:

  • The 105 mm gun with a 3-shell magazine loading system. The time between two loaded shells is 5 s, while the total reload time is 18 s. Additionally, the vehicle can inflict 320 HP of damage per shot. The penetration value of the standard AP shell is 220 mm, and the penetration value of the special APCR shell is 242 mm. Dispersion at 100 m is 0.36 m, and the aiming time is 2.3 s.
  • The 120 mm gun with a 3-shell magazine loading system. The time between two loaded shells is 7 s, while the total reload time is 25 s. The vehicle can inflict 400 HP of damage per shot. The penetration value of the standard AP shell is 226 mm, and the penetration value of the special APCR shell is 300 mm. Dispersion at 100 m is 0.42 m, and the aiming time is 2.5 s.

The tank destroyer features reliable armour for its tier. The front hull and turret armour reaches 260 mm, while the turret traverse angle is limited to 70 degrees. Durability: 1,300 HP. Top speed: 35 km/h. Specific power: 14.9 h.p./t.

In general, the gameplay of the SMV CC-67 is similar to that of Tier IX and X vehicles in the new branch of Italian tank destroyers. The vehicle shares the same strengths and weaknesses, but has slightly better mobility.

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One thought on “Supertest: SMV CC-67 (Initial Stats)

  1. Neato, hopefully they buff the reload on the 120 a bit and give the 105 an extra shell to keep them comparable while making the 120 more viable over the 105, the 25 second reload for just 3 shells is a bit too long, especially with it only being 400 alpha

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