Supertest: 🇮🇹 Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 – More Complete Stats Controcarro 1 Mk. 2. Statistics with crew at 100%:

Tier: TD-9, Italy, standard
HP: 1 800
Engine: 700 hp
Mass: 53,43 t
Maximum load: 56,0 t
Power-to-weight: 13,10 hp / t
Max speed / Reverse speed: 35 / –10 km / h
Hull turning speed: 22,95 °/s
Turret turning speed: 18,77 °/s
Gun rotation angles: 40 / 40 °
Terrain resistance values: — / — / —
View range: 380 m
Radio range: 750 m

Hull armor: 290 / 70 / 40 mm
Turret armor: 290 / 70 / 40 mm

Gun: Cannone da 127/58 – TOP

Alpha Damage: 490 / 490 / 640
Penetration: 255 / 325 / 127 mm
Rate of fire: 4,53 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 218
Rounds in autoloader: 4.
Reload time between autoloader shots: 10 s
Complete reload time: 23,01 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,42
Aiming time: 2,59 s
Depression / Elevation: -10 ° / +20 °

Rounds in ammo rack: 44.

Gun: Cannone da 120/60

Alpha Damage: 400 / 400 / 515
Penetration: 210 / 250 / 120 mm
Rate of fire: 7,26 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 906
Rounds in autoloader: 5.
Reload time between autoloader shots: 8 s
Complete reload time: 9,3 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,37
Aiming time: 2,21 s
Depression / Elevation: -10 ° / +20 °

Gun: Cannone da 105/73

Alpha Damage: 320 / 320 / 420
Penetration: 220 / 242 / 105 mm
Rate of fire: 7,53 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 408
Rounds in autoloader: 5.
Reload time between autoloader rounds: 8 s
Complete reload time: 7,86 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,37
Aiming time: 1,63 s
Depression / Elevation: -10 ° / +20 °

Crew – 4 members: Commader, Driver, Gunner and Loader.

Equipment category: Firepower.

Role in battle: Assault Tank Destroyer (Vehicles with low mobility, but with solid frontal armor. They are highly effective when fighting in the front lines.)

Camouflage Values:

  • Camouflage of the stationary tank: 14,93 / 2,69 % (for the stationary vehicle / for the stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
  • Camouflage of the tank during  movement: 8,95 / 1,61 % (on the move / on the move after firing a shot).

8 thoughts on “Supertest: 🇮🇹 Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 – More Complete Stats

  1. “Reload time between autoloader rounds: 8 s
    Complete reload time: 7,86 s”

    This doesn’t make sense. Why even use the clip, if you can just reload the full magazine faster?

    1. I suspect this is a brainfart on part of the developers. It will probably change

      1. I suspect it’s meant to be 17.8 and 19.3 sec for full reload

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