Bofors Tornvagn: The Bulletproof Viking

A mighty and menacing Swedish heavy tank is raiding the Premium Shop for the first time since Holidays Ops 2022. The VIIIBofors Tornvagn has the blessings of the Norse Gods—and everything else you could ask for.

Add it to your collection and save up to 30% with the Ready for Battle bundle, which includes everything you need to loot the enemy base.

Bofors Tornvagn Offers

Available from May 23 at 02:00 CEST through May 31 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIIIBofors Tornvagn is a versatile Swedish heavy tank that seems to have gotten its strengths from the Norse Gods themselves. Its thick 260 mm frontal armor and unusual turret design are almost impenetrable. The 120 mm gun hits like Mjölnir and can slice through 248 mm of enemy armor with standard shells and up to 297 mm with its lightning-fast special APCR shells.

Peek over hills and show nothing but the narrow, rectangular turret to trick opponents into wasting shells. And while they curse Loki for their bad luck, you can smite them with 400 alpha damage strikes, thanks to the excellent gun depression of –10° and 2.3 seconds aiming time.

Contents of the packages:

3 thoughts on “Bofors Tornvagn: The Bulletproof Viking

  1. Definitely viable in the hulldown no-HE meta and less random than Caliban (also on sale), but the DPM is really tragic.

    Still good to troll the gold idiots, frontal armor requires high end gold (Lowe, KV-4) to go through.

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