WoT: new in-game offers

Caernarvon AX Bundle:
• VIII 🇬🇧 Caernarvon AX
• Slot in the garage
• 100% crew
• 10 missions for x5 experience per battle
• “Red Desert” 2D Style
Bundle price: 10,150 gold (15% discount).
The vehicle can also be purchased from the tech tree standalone for 9,400 gold.

Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC Bundle:
• VIII 🇬🇧 Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC
• Slot in the garage
• 100% crew
• 10 missions for x5 experience per battle
• “Red Desert” 2D Style
Bundle price: 7,620 gold (15% discount).
The vehicle is not available for purchase in the tech tree.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 Bundle:
• VIII 🇩🇪 Kanonenjagdpanzer 105
• Slot in the garage
• 100% crew
• 10 missions for x5 experience per battle
• “Kimono” 2D Style
Bundle price: 10,220 gold (15% discount).
The vehicle is not available for purchase in the tech tree.

Panther M10 Bundle:
• VII Panther M10
• Slot in the garage
• 100% crew
• 10 missions for x5 experience per battle
• “Kimono” 2D Style
Bundle price: 5,700 gold (25% discount).
The vehicle can also be purchased from the tech tree standalone for 5,100 gold.

Additionally, both styles can be purchased separately (in a bundle with premium days) in a subsection of the in-game shop (Quality Time). Available until 17 May.

3 thoughts on “WoT: new in-game offers

    1. Because they have reduced the different ways you can spend gold, in order to give more of it away each christmas, boosting income. Remember when the premium tank on display in the rear of your forest garage could be bought using gold?.

      Pepperidge farm remembers.

  1. There is simply too much gold on most of the accounts, those that bought the loot boxes – pure gambling mechanics at it its worst btw.
    And the black market couldn’t drain the gold and credits enough, so they have to find new ways to make players spend.

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