Minimaps and Loading Screens of The New Recon Mission Maps

These maps will be released with the next update in the “Reconnaissance by Combat” 2022 mode, where players themselves can test these prototype maps on the main server.
3 out of 6 maps are brand new.

1st Map: Anykeyevka.
Dense urban development is perfect for positional confrontation between heavy tanks, while a vast field with little cover serves for deep flanking moves behind enemy lines. Many positions suitable for ambushes are located on hills, from where it is convenient to fire across the entire field and at vehicles on the outskirts of the city.

• Tech. name: 130_anykey_if
• Size: 1000×1000
• Battle mode: “Reconnaissance in force”, in the future only “Standard battle”
• Map type: summer The Anykeyevka map first entered the supertest in December 2021.

  * Previously, the map was called “Invasion”, “name 130_invasion_if”
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2nd Map: “Aquila”.
A small town in the foothills is a key area of ​​the map, from where you can fire on the valley, controlling most of the territory. Many houses serve as shelter from artillery fire and contribute to positional combat when playing on heavy vehicles. The open valley is quite dangerous, but allows you to quickly get to the enemy positions.

• Tech. name: 132_abruzzo
• Size: 1200×1200
• Battle mode: “Reconnaissance in force”, in the future only “Standard battle”
• Map type: summer
• Map “Aquila” first got to the supertest in December 2021

* Previously, the map had the name “Abruzzo”
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3rd Map: “Klostertal”.
Dense urban development with a spacious park in the center offers a variety of tactical solutions for combat. It is convenient for heavy vehicles to conduct positional battles in relatively protected quarters, while mobile vehicles will find it easier to realize themselves in open hilly terrain, which, although it looks vulnerable, contains many terrain folds and protected positions.

• Tech. name: 136_kassel
• Size: 1000×1000
• Battle mode: “Reconnaissance in force”, in the future only “Standard battle”
• Map type: summer
• The Klostertal map first went to the supertest in February 2022.

* Previously, the map had the name “Kassel”
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