WoT Micropatch: 1.16.2 April 1, 2022 ~ KSA Due to the update, the World of Tanks servers and portal will be unavailable on 4/01/2022 for approximately 1 minute: In this micropatch:
You of course don’t realise that where I live it is after 12 midday on 1 April – so the jokes on you Loading...
Am vrut sa trec peste articol….eee ,mare lucru..un update…apoi vad WTFacul….intru….eee pacaleala…bun asa…fain articol.. Loading...
You of course don’t realise that where I live it is after 12 midday on 1 April – so the jokes on you
Good one.
April Fool………..
I love that the price is in Roubles ….Just like gas!
Price in rubles, did the ruski extend their blackmail from gas to all goods? 😛
Preferential matchmaking for 100 battles & personal tundra
Lol forgot its April fools, guess im a fool
Am vrut sa trec peste articol….eee ,mare lucru..un update…apoi vad WTFacul….intru….eee pacaleala…bun asa…fain articol..