Main Changes
Improved Vehicle Outlining
Simplified outlining of vehicles has been added. When aiming at a vehicle, the game displays the contour that includes only armor elements that shells can interact with.
The collision models of some vehicles have been reworked to improve its display when simplified outlining is enabled.
The option to enable the display of obstacles for shells (inside the vehicle outlining) has been implemented.
By default, rendering obstacles inside the collision model and vehicle outlining by collision model will be disabled. The options can be enabled in the game settings (in the Reticle tab).
Enabling options of Outlining and display of penetrable/impenetrable obstacles may result in reduced performance on low-end computers.
Trade-In mechanics have been improved, which will increase the number of offers for exchange.
The interface has been updated to make vehicle exchange clearer and more user friendly.
Art of Strategy
The Art of Strategy game event has been added.
In the Art of Strategy event, a Strategist opposes another Strategist or a team of seven Tankers.
Only the Strategist vs. Strategist format will be available on the first day of the Common Test.
Launches of the Frontline mode will take place during the final period of each Battle Pass Season. This way, players can be distracted from Random Battles while still having the opportunity to earn Battle Pass Points.
During the first iteration of the Common Test, only Tier VIII vehicles will be allowed in the mode.
The first defense line base capture time has been reduced from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
The following vehicles are available for rental: T32 and T-44.
The cost of vehicle rental within the mode will now decrease each day. Players who missed the first days of the event will not pay the full rental cost.
Changes to Combat Reserves.
- The Engineering Combat Reserve has been moved to Recon Reserves.
- Smoke Screen has been moved to Tactical Reserves.
- Smoke Screen now not only conceals all allied and enemy vehicles in and behind the smoke, but it also reduces the effectiveness of the enemy crew by 15% and decreases the view range by 30%.
- The number of shells during the Artillery Strike has been changed from 16/18/20 to 20/24/28 (in accordance with the Combat Reserve level).
- A Combat Reserve of a particular type is now always bound to a certain hotkey, regardless of the vehicle. At the same time, the order of unlocking Combat Reserves in battle for different types of vehicles will vary.
- The order of Combat Reserves for SPGs has been changed. Current order: Attack Reserves, Recon Reserves, Tactical Reserves.
Battle Pass: Additional Chapter
Battle Pass will include an additional time-limited Chapter with a brand-new Premium vehicle as the main reward. The reward vehicle for the Common Test serves a purely technical role.
The progression system, number of Stages, values, and various characteristics are subject to change after their release.
This Chapter is not associated with Update 1.16.1 and will not become available immediately after the update is released.
Map Changes
Siegfried Line
- The invisible obstacle in square F5 has been removed.
- The possibility to drive into non-playable areas in squares E8, F7, and F8 has been removed.
- The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in square C0 has been removed.
- The possibility to get stuck in squares D4, E7, F2, J4, and H6 has been removed.
- The possibility to drive into non-playable areas next to large-caliber gun turrets #1, #3, and #4 has been removed.
- The possibility to get stuck on the respawn zone behind large-caliber gun turrets #2, on the slope west of large-caliber gun turrets #5, and next to the Resupply Circle southwest of Base C has been removed.
- Several positions for attackers have been improved to make the game balance more comfortable for them. Details will be provided in the article devoted to the Frontline map rebalance.
Informing New Players
The Session Statistics button will not be displayed for new players who have played fewer than 2 battles.
The “New” hint on the mode selection screen will not be displayed for new players who have played fewer than 10 battles.
The Dog Tag hint in the Garage will not be displayed for new players who have played fewer than 100 battles.
Changes to Technical Characteristics of the Following Vehicles:
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Object 259A.
Т-34-1 – the collision model of the T-34-1 model 2 turret has been reworked to match its visual model.
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Object 259A.”
Then i believe that one will be the reward for battle pass last chapter