Lead the way with the slender-yet-tough X
AMX M4 mle. 54 . Smash your way through this French heavy tank line, and take advantage of Top of the Tree missions, offers, and up to 50% discounts.
This top-tier French beast loves to work hard on its upper body and repel attacks with the formidable 377 mm of effective frontal armor. Bait enemy vehicles into firing at your front plate, then follow up with a swift 560 HP of damage slap in their face. Much like its predecessors, it stands tall like a typical heavy, but make sure to avoid sidescraping and exposing your comparatively weak side and rear armor. Both guns offer similar DPM stats, but it’s on you to decide if you want a more brutal punch or greater convenience. Play to your strengths!
Make your way up the Tech Tree from March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1) through April 20 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2), and take advantage of great discounts and missions all the way to the top. Don’t forget that you can purchase an extra boost in the Premium Shop or in-game for gold if you want to speed things up!
Available from March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1) through April 20 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
50% OFF |
30% OFF |
Missions up to Tier X
Available from March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1) through April 20 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
You’ll have something to fight for every day for a month! This includes XP per vehicle every day, Crew XP bonuses, and other significant rewards to help you reach Tier X. You can find more information about the missions below:
Crew XP
x2 Crew XP
- Play a battle
- Be among the top 7 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles
- Only available for the vehicles featured in this special
Damaging Push
6,500 XP
1 Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 hour
- Cause 20,000 HP of damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- 10 times per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
Push Through!
20,000 XP
- Cause 200,000 HP of damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Once per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
AMX M4 mle. 54
1 Large Repair Kit
1 Large First Aid Kit
1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
1 Personal Reserve: +300% to Crew XP for 1 hour
- Play 5 battles
- Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles
- Repeatable
- Only available for the
AMX M4 mle. 54
Underrated heavy, only thing I wish would get buffed is have it go 45, besides that it’s well balanced and should be the standard for how wg balances heavy tanks (you know, if ever they actually decide to rebalance all the over performing shit like the sconq, vz55, whatever else they’ve over buffed or made way too strong on release)
You might want to change the copy paste text from mission. Cause damage not spotting 😉 Don’t want to be spotting with the super heavies
Yeah, next time I’m going to triple check everything even from official WG news.
If you are a brave enough heavy tank, and actually fight up the front line, right in the enemies faces, you collect A WHOLE boatload of spotting damage.
Perhaps this is what the writer is alluding to.
crap tank top tier
u might just stop at tier 9
whole grind is a pain in the ass
This tank could use 5kph higher top speed, 20mm or so UFP armor and 20mm more to all the mantlet plates so you can’t just cheese through that worthless gun mantlet with 280mm gold pen.
Considering how huge and HE pen prone this thing is from the side god forbid this thing at least being somewhat gold resistant from the front.
It has been forever since I last saw it (I think it was on FTR), but didn’t the blueprint for this tank list the nominal thickness of the upper plate as 280-300mm?
Granted that would be overkill, but at 230-240mm nominal the upper plate would have an effective thickness comparable to the Panzer 7 UFP on flat ground, and pretty much impossible to pen when using gun depression.
I just shot HE at it, easy to damage!