Rhm. Skorpion – Standard (35€)
Bundle content
- VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion & Bonus 100% Crew, 1 Garage Slot
Type 62 – Standard (17€)
Bundle content
- VII Type 62 & Bonus 100% Crew, 1 Garage Slot
Isn’t Wargaming a company from Belarus, originally? Therefore any purchase to them helps indirectly the oppression against Ukraine?
Yes this is why many people are not playing this game and uninstall and not spending any money as all money is blocked into these countries and we support Ukraine not Russia puppet Belarus.
Yes it is
acording to wikipidia witch is updated regularly it is
FFS…. 1) THEY are NOT oppressing Ukraine, Russian government is and you could say that Belarus’ government is too. 2) Using your logic why bother with any business since EVERY government oppresses people?
Your money goes to Wargaming Cyprus – > then it goes to owners of Wargaming in Belarus -> taxes or bribes go to Belarus government -> Belarus government helps Russia invade Ukraine.
Stop fucking funding enemies of Europe and democracy…You literally are funding Lukashenko’s state through taxing.Cyprus is their master money laundering base,Their assets will be freezed anyway,so you’re wasting your money.
Now PayPal, visa, and MasterCard are sanctioned and blocking Russia.
That means the end of wot.ru