Supertest: Yoh Branch Changes – Part 2

M-III-Y (🇺🇸USA, HT-8).
• Price: from 2 610 000 to 2 600 000 credits
Turret 1 – M-III-Y A [Stock]
Gun 1 – 90 mm Gun M41 Y [Stock]
• Dispersion when turning the gun (maximum): From 0.13 (3.12) to 0.11 (2.64)
• rate of fire: from 8.23 ​​to 7.82 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 7.29 to 7.67 seconds
• Aiming time: from 2.30 to 2.21 seconds
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.37 to 0.39
• Average damage per minute: from 1976 to 1877
• Average damage per minute with a HE shell: from 2 635 to 2 503
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell: from 263 to 218 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell at 500m: from 242 to 198 mm
• Ammunition: from 64 to 54 rounds
Gun 2 – 90 mm Gun T208 (rifled) [Pre-top]
• Dispersion when turning the gun (max.): From 0.12 (2.88) to 0.11 (2.64)
• rate of fire: from 8.94 to 8.34 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 6.71 to 7.19 seconds
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.36 to 0.38
• Average damage per minute: from 2146 to 2003
• Average damage per minute with a HE shell: from 2 861 to 2 670
• Price of a APCR shell: from 420 to 455 credits
• Price of a HE shell: from 210 to 245 credits
• Ammunition: from 64 to 54 rounds
Turret 2 – M-III-Y B [TOP]
Gun 1 – 90 mm Gun M41 Y [Stock]
• Dispersion when turning the gun (max.): From 0.11 (2.87) to 0.09 (2.35)
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.36 to 0.37
• Armor penetration of an APCR shell: from 263 to 218 mm
• Armor penetration of an APCR shell at 500m: from 242 to 198 mm
• Ammunition: from 72 to 60 rounds
Gun 2 – 90 mm Gun T208 (rifled) [Pre-top]
• Price of a APCR shell: from 420 to 455 credits
• Price of a high-explosive shell: from 210 to 245 credits
• Ammunition: from 72 to 60 rounds
Gun 3 – 105 mm Gun T254 Y III [TOP]
• Ammunition: from 54 to 46 rounds
Turret 1 – M-III-Y A [Stock]
• Armor of the front of the turret: from 254 to 241.3 mm
• Armor of the sides of the turret: from 88.9 to 76.2 mm
• The cost of repairing the tank: from 11 484 to 11 455 credits

M-II-Y (🇺🇸USA, HT-7)
• Price: from 1 450 300 to 1 440 000 credits
• Role in battle: from Assault heavy tank to Universal heavy tank
Turret 1 – M-II-Y A [Stock]
Gun 1 – 90 mm Gun M41 Y [Stock]
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.50 to 4.00
• rate of fire: from 6.26 to 6.95 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 9.59 to 8.63 s
• Average damage per minute: from 1502 to 1669
• Average damage per minute with high-explosive ammo: from 2003 to 2225
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell: from 263 to 218 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell at 500m: from 242 to 198 mm
• Ammunition: from 64 to 54 rounds
Turret 2 – M-II-Y B [TOP]
Gun 1 – 90 mm Gun M41 Y [Stock]
• Dispersion when turning the gun (max.): From 0.14 (3.65) to 0.12 (3.13)
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.50 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 6.59 to 6.95 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 9.11 to 8.63 s
• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.30 s
• Average damage per minute: from 1581 to 1669
• Average damage per minute with a high-explosive shell: from 2 108 to 2225
• Armor penetration of an APCR shell: from 263 to 218 mm
• Armor penetration of an APCR shell at 500m: from 242 to 198 mm
• Ammunition: from 64 to 60 rounds
Gun 2 – 90 mm Gun T208 (rifled) HLY [TOP]
• Rate of fire: from 6.95 to 7.11 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 8.63 to 8.44 seconds
• Aiming time: from 2.30 to 2.21 seconds
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.40 to 0.39
• Average damage per minute: from 1669 to 1707
• Average damage per minute with a HE shell: from 2225 to 2276
• Price of a HE shell: from 210 to 245 credits
• Ammunition: from 64 to 60 rounds
Turret 1 – M-II-Y A [Stock]
• Frontal turret armor: from 177.8 to 203.2 mm
Turret 2 – M-II-Y B [TOP]
• Frontal turret armor: from 203.2 to 228.6mm

Pawlack Tank (🇺🇸USA, HT-6)
• Role in battle: from Heavy support tank to Universal heavy tank
Turret 1 – Pawlack A [Stock]
Gun 1 – 76 mm Gun M1A2 [Stock]
• Gun weight: from 1567 to 1590 kg
• Dispersion when turning the gun (max.): From 0.08 (2.67) to 0.14 (4.67)
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.00 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 17.38 to 17.88 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 3.45 to 3.36 s
• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.11 s
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.41 to 0.40
• Average damage per minute: from 1999 to 2056
• Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 3216 to 3308
Gun 2 – 76 mm Gun T91E5 [Pre-TOP]
• Dispersion from turning the gun (max.): From 0.08 (2.67) to 0.14 (4.67)
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.00 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 17.38 to 17.88 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 3.45 to 3.36 s
• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.11 s
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.37 to 0.39
• Average damage per minute: from 1999 to 2056
• Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 3216 to 3308
• Armor-piercing projectile penetration: from 126 to 137 mm
• Armor-piercing projectile penetration at 500m: from 101 to 111 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell: from 160 to 185 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell at 500m: from 140 to 162 mm
• Ammunition: from 75 to 90 rounds
Turret 2 – Pawlack B [TOP]
Gun 1 – 76 mm Gun M1A2 [Stock]
• Gun weight: from 1567 to 1590 kg
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.00 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 17.38 to 18.41 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 3.45 to 3.26 s
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.41 to 0.38
• Average damage per minute: from 1 999 to 2 117
• Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 3216 to 3405
Gun 2 – 76 mm Gun T91E5 [Pre-TOP]
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.00 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 17.38 to 18.41 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 3.45 to 3.26 s
• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.01 s
• Average damage per minute: from 1 999 to 2 117
• Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 3216 to 3405
• Armor-piercing projectile penetration: from 126 to 137 mm
• Armor-piercing projectile penetration at 500m: from 101 to 111 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell: from 160 to 185 mm
• Armor penetration with an APCR shell at 500m: from 140 to 162 mm
• Ammunition: from 75 to 90 shells
Gun 3 – 90 mm Gun M41 P [TOP]
• Dispersion after firing: from 3.50 to 4.00
• Rate of fire: from 7.45 to 6.95 rounds/minute
• Reload time: from 8.05 to 8.63 s
• Average damage per minute: from 1788 to 1669
• Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 2,384 to 2,225
Turret 1 – Pawlack A [Stock]
• Frontal turret armor: from 80 to 101.6 mm
• Turret sides armor: from 60 to 63.5 mm
• Rear turret armor: from 45 to 38.1 mm
Engine 1 – GM Diesel P V1 [Stock]
• Engine power: from 550 to 600 hp
• Power-to-weight: from 14.86 to 16.22 hp/t
Engine 2 – GM Diesel P V2 [TOP]
• Engine power: from 600 to 650 hp
• Power-to-weight: from 16.22 to 17.57 hp/t

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