ShPTK-TVP 100. Statistics with crew at 100%:
Gun: 100 mm BS-3
Rate of fire: 8,34Â Â 10,43 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 2 086Â Â 2 607
Damage per minute with HE shells: 3 504Â Â 4 381
Reload time: 7,19 s  5,75 s
Aiming time: 1,82 s  1,44 s
Aim spread:
- during vehicle movement:
0,18Â Â 0,14; - during vehicle rotation:
0,18Â Â 0,14; - at the maximum vehicle speed:
9,90Â Â 7,70; - at the maximum vehicle rotation speed:
7,89Â Â 6,13.
I really don’t understand why they bother with this.
Still, these are really good changes and if they stay I’m looking forward to this tank. 🙂
The HE pen of this tank is 100mm so having it is pretty nice lol
This is more like it should be. 🙂
this is tier 8 right?. td?.
Wg make a fortune off the skorp g, then nerf it without telling anyone, then introduce new skorp g, for players to spend a fortune on, because Wg have created a niche in their own sales marketing…
genius, but dog move. those stats won’t last long past the honeymoon period.
When did WG nerf the Skorpion G? Could you point the stats?
Lol? When and how did they nerf the Skorpion?
They didn’t. He’s a conspiracy theorist idiot.
I like it, high pen and high DPM rather than high alpha damage
personally I think every tank from Tier 4 onwards should have a 30% HP increase because there are way too many high alpha “medium caliber” guns in the game, the addition of a TD like this one is a good thing because it allows counter play
now i’d want it
I find this tank interesting, looks a lot like a tier 8 hellcat, looking forward to it :B
It looks more like a tier 8 T67, with rather mediocre alpha but high dpm (and good gun handling). and I really love my T67!
well, this gets much more intersting now. 🙂
What it should have been from the start OR why buy a shit DPM Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer makes zero sense
Now just buff that Heavy Tank like accuracy by 0.4 to be more like 0.32 as a TD supposed to be