- Project of a medium tank with an oscillating turret, developed in 1954 by officers of the 7th year of studies at the Department of Technical Personnel of the Royal Military College of Sciences (Shrivenham, UK). Existed on paper.

Tier: MT-9, UK, premium
HP: 1 600
Engine: 600 hp
Mass: 32,59 t
Maximum load: 33,7 t
Power-to-weight: 18,41 hp / t
Max speed / Reverse speed: 40 / –25 km / h
Hull turning speed: 57,37 °/s
Turret turning speed: 45,89 °/s
Terrain resistance values: — / — / —
View range: 400 m
Radio range: 570 m
Hull armor: 120 / 30 / 30 mm
Turret armor: 130 / 80 / 40 mm
Gun: 122 mm QF gun
Alpha Damage: 360 / 515 / 515
Penetration: 268 / 219 / 120 mm
Rate of fire: 4,44 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 1 600
Rounds in autoloader: 4.
Reload time between autoloader shots: 1,33 s
Complete reload time: 50 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,38
Aiming time: 3,84 s
Depression / Elevation: -10 ° / +13 °
Rounds in ammo rack: 28.
Crew – 3 members: Commander, Driver and Gunner.
Equipment category: Mobility.
Role in battle: Medium support tank (Vehicles with excellent guns, the effective use of which requires compliance with certain conditions. They can deal massive damage in a short time.)
Camouflage Values:
- Camouflage of the stationary vehicle: 12,37 / 2,47 %
- Camouflage of the vehicle during movement: 9,29 / 1,86 %
Complete reload time: 50 s > Bad
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,38 > British? this is Bad
Aiming time: 3,84 s > a joke really bad
Now if it was a Russian Vehicle??
Don’t forget about only 28 shells in the ammo rack. WG you are not drunk, go home
That’s an average of 10080 damage with stock HEAT and 14420 damage with gold AP, with a total of seven full clips.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need more than that, the rest of the team was AFK or something and you deserve to lose.
stock will be AP, gold is HE(SH).
Usual bullshite from the usual suspect.
if it was Russian it would have the same accuracy but BIAS
reload would be 40 s and aimtime would be 2 s and ofc it would have atleast 40 rounds
well, on the other hand it would only get -7° gdp. 😉
all in all I still this thing is broken. 1340 clip-potential with insane 1.33 s intraclip are just extremly bad for infights (well, for the enemy …).
sure, you have to reload afterwards for en eternity, but if nobody pushes you, this works wonders. looks at Bourrasque
2060 damage in under 4 seconds if you load gold HESH