PS: I’ve been working in The Netherlands for the past few months (temporary), this being the reason of fewer articles, but I still try posting all the essential news. Major thanks for the patience and for reading every day. There is a big lack of free time here, sometimes I have only 2-3 hours free per day in which I also need to cook, and I walk 20 km every day at work. Even so, life here is relaxing and not too stressful, which is just what I needed after the hectic last year of university. This is a very good country for expats starting their career, if you can find housing, of course. At the end of October the article situation will get better, hopefully. Tot ziens!
Pawlack Tank (HT-6, USA, standard):
36 universal blueprints
12 national American blueprints
M-II-Y (HT-7, USA, standard):
64 universal blueprints
24 national American blueprints
M-III-Y (HT-8, USA, standard):
80 universal blueprints
24 national American blueprints
M-VI-Y (HT-9, USA, standard):
120 universal blueprints
30 national American blueprints
M-V-Y (HT-10, USA, standard):
144 universal blueprints
48 national American blueprints
Thank you for sharing with us the amount of blueprints needed. I have a lot of universals left and I think… I have the right number of national ones. 🙂
Mice to hear you are in The Netherlands (even if temporary).
Great country and nice people! (stay away from the coffee shops though… bad and expensive habits :-d )
Thanks for the calculation! I will make good use of it 🙂
Great to hear you’re doing great, Seb. Don’t worry about the frequency of articles, we’re (mostly) an understanding community here lol.
So all the branch will be 138 national and 444 universals.
I Personally play all before tier 8 to make it cheaper, so i will have to use the T1, the new tier 6 and 7 and that will make it cheaper to 78 national and 264 universals if u dont want to play neither the tier 8 neither the tier 9.
I have enough national but always lack of universal ones
Hey, foarte bine pentru tine 🙂
Cine pe cine invata sa cultive lalele?
Nu e sezonul acum, dar e genial aici. Simt că viața e pe easy mode. Lucrez la depozit, nu la horticultură.