15 thoughts on “🇸🇪 Bofors Tornvagn In-game Pictures

  1. The turret looks like that cap in my car – and if i screw it off i can put oil inside :I

  2. Given the current hull and turret armor, slow speed, and HORRIBLLE dispersion values . . . this thing looks like it is a close-range brawler. Very interesting.

  3. couple years ago i asked when will WG start adding star wars droid tanks…..guess the time has come

  4. If I don’t get in enough play time to knock the Special K down to a reasonable price this is the fall-back position.

    It will, no doubt, be in a Christmas loot box.

  5. What are the stats for this tank?i’m interested only if wargaming did not invent some crap stats for this tank.

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