WoT: HE and SPG Supertest

Source: EU Portal

The Sandbox for HE shells and artillery has given us plenty to consider. Your feedback and survey responses have been warmly received, and they’ve given us valuable suggestions for improvement.

And that means we’re moving on. The next step before release is to start closed testing for a number of vehicles with HE-based gameplay and specific SPGs.

What Will Be Tested During the Supertest?

Please note: The Supertest is a closed test where preliminary testing of vehicles requiring fine-tuning and verification as to the effectiveness of balance changes is carried out.

On May 18, the following nine vehicles will go to the Supertest:

We will also test system changes to AP shell alpha damage for all SPGs, as well as certain improvements to particular vehicles. After being evaluated in the Supertest and adjusted accordingly, the suggested changes will most likely be added to the first Update 1.13 Common Test so that everyone can check them.

Changes to Vehicles With HE Shells


  • For the 152 mm Gun-Launcher XM81 (conventional) gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.6 to 0.57.
  • For the 152 mm Gun-Launcher XM81 (conventional) gun, dispersion was decreased on turret traverse from 0.38 to 0.35.

XM551 Sheridan

  • For the 152 mm Gun-Launcher XM81 (conventional) gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.53 to 0.51.
  • For the 152 mm Gun-Launcher XM81 (conventional) gun, dispersion was decreased on turret traverse from 0.4 to 0.35.

High-tier American light tanks currently have high damage per shot for their type and an extremely small chance of accurately hitting the target.

The suggested changes will help reduce the time required for taking an accurate shot. We believe that this will be just enough to take advantage of the new mechanics for causing damage with HE shells. Either use your patience and cunning or be bold and courageous by trying your luck behind enemy lines!

Type 5 Heavy

  • For the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun, penetration was increased for the Common Type 91 shell from 240 to 252 mm.
  • For the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.5 to 0.47.
  • For the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.4 to 0.38.

Type 4 Heavy

  • For the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun, penetration was increased for the Common Type 91 shell from 240 to 252 mm.
  • For the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.52 to 0.49.
  • For the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun, dispersion was decreased from 0.42 to 0.4.

These steel Japanese beasts stand out for their toughness, slowness, and relentlessness. Everyone knows what to expect from their HE shells—an accurate shot bears bad news for enemies and success for your team. Now we are planning to slightly increase the expected effectiveness of the 15 cm gun’s armor-piercing shells. Their armor penetration will allow them to perform better in close-range combat.

The Common Type 91 AP shell has been added to the existing HE and Premium HE shell selections for the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun on the Type 4 and 5 Heavy tanks as part of overall changes to HE shell mechanics.

In addition, we will adjust their accuracy so that in close combat, when looking down on the weak spots of opponents that are much smaller, these vehicles will be able to fire both HE and AP shells more accurately.

KV-2/KV-2 (R)

  • V-5 engine power was increased from 600 to 630 h.p.
  • For the 152 MM М-10 gun, aiming time was decreased from 4.0 to 3.8.
  • For the KV-2 MOD. 1941 suspension, traverse speed was increased from 18 to 20 deg/s.
  • For the KV-2 MOD. 1941 suspension, dispersion during movement was decreased from 0.28 to 0.26.
  • For the KV-2 MOD. 1941 suspension, dispersion on hull traverse was decreased from 0.28 to 0.26.
  • For the МТ-2 turret, traverse speed was increased from 16 to 17 deg/s.
  • For the 122 MM U-11, 152 MM М-10, and 107 MM ZIS-6 guns, dispersion on МТ-2 turret traverse was decreased from 0.16 to 0.15.

This Soviet steel giant and its Imperial Guard version can do a lot without demanding much in return. In discussions on Sandboxes related to HE shells, feedback on the KV-2 and its counterpart was a central theme. These vehicles are highly popular and dear to the heart of every tanker.

The statistics showed that no significant changes in their performance were introduced. The difference in the values of damage caused during the first HE shell test on the live server was less than 6%. During the second test, this difference was even narrower, nearly halved to 3%. Your feedback and survey responses prove that this vehicle is important to many players.

To preserve its uniqueness, we will make small changes to improve its gameplay and keep its battle performance level with its current performance on the live server.

Wheeled Vehicles

Panhard EBR 105

  • For the 105 mm D. 1504 (EBR) gun, penetration was decreased from 105 mm to 75 mm for the OE-105-Mle. 60 D. 1504 (EBR) shell.

Panhard EBR 90/Panhard AML Lynx 6×6

  • For the 90 MM CN 90 F3, 90 MM D. 921 F1, and 90 MM D. 921 guns, penetration was decreased from 90 mm to 75 mm for the OE shell.

Of all the vehicles listed above, wheeled vehicles showed the greatest change in the effectiveness of their HE shells. This was due to a number of factors—gun accuracy, stabilization, and the speed and maneuverability of the vehicles themselves.

This increase in performance proved to be excessive and requires fixing. To avoid increasing the effectiveness of wheeled vehicles, we will test a reduction in HE shell armor penetration for all researchable vehicles. 75 mm of penetration may become standard for the entire branch.


Within the Supertest, SPGs will receive two primary changes.

  1. AP shells will receive increased damage. According to the statistics of particular vehicles (mostly heavy SPGs with high-caliber guns), the result of hitting and causing damage did not correspond to the effort spent. It’s hard to time the shot and hit the target with an AP shell when driving the Т92 or G.W. E 100. Such effort should be rewarded. Therefore, as part of testing, we will improve the damage per shot of AP shells for a number of SPGs to make their effectiveness correspond to other vehicles of their type.
  2. Some SPGs will receive a small reduction in damage for AP and alternative shells as an adjustment to their effectiveness. These small changes should keep vehicle performance at an appropriate level. For example, the damage value of AP and alternative shells for the 155 mm guns of the American SPG branch (M12, M40/M43, and M53/M55) will be decreased by 30 HP and 50 HP, respectively.

What About Other Vehicles?

In addition to the specified changes, there are a number of other vehicles that can be considered vehicles with HE-based gameplay. For example, the Polish B.U.G.I., FV4005, and some Shermans.

After analyzing the data collected during the Sandbox tests and on the live server, we can now say that no changes are required for them. There are a number of reasons for this: either their effectiveness has not changed or the share of HE shell damage is excessively small with regards to the total damage caused by a particular vehicle.

Such a complex change in game mechanics affects almost all aspects of the game. As a result, it requires close examination in the Supertests of certain vehicles, as well as for all Common Test vehicles.

We will continue to analyze what happens after we deliver Update 1.13 in June, so please be aware that further tweaks and adjustments are likely.

We look forward to your feedback, both for the results of the Common Test and after the release of Update 1.13.

6 thoughts on “WoT: HE and SPG Supertest

  1. ” This increase in performance proved to be excessive and requires fixing. To avoid increasing the effectiveness of wheeled vehicles, we will test a reduction in HE shell armor penetration for all researchable vehicles. 75 mm of penetration may become standard for the entire branch. ”

    Premium EBR 75 FL 10 is going to be even more broken than it is now with the new ability to pen flanks through the tracks… Nice…
    RIP every other lights…
    520 damage done in 1.5 sec every 8 sec, which is a DPM of more than 3000…
    THREE THOUSAND DPM on a tiers VIII light tank with HE going through tracks and obstacles now.

    1. list the possible tanks and the possiblites on the corridor maps where you can reliably pen tier8 tanks with 75mm pen please

      and than prove that ebr performs better, apart from semi-pros no one will benefit from these changes, so in general you need to have BRAIN to play good with it so 99.9% of the players will still strugle

  2. the only tank you will be reliable pen through tracks will be the progetto. everything else has over 75mm armor with the 20mm tracks….

  3. oh, yessss….. KV2R and ebr 75 FL……. yihaaaa…. nice, WG…..!! ^^

  4. Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! Die verdammte Климент Ворошилов Два muß schwacher gemacht werden, nicht stärker! 😉
    (KV-2 needs nerfs, not buffs.)

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