World of Tanks TAP Giveaway (EU) – March 2021

UPDATE: The winner is comment 223, Megatron_two!! Expect your gift soon.

Hello readers, it’s been too long since we had a proper giveaway on here. Time to change that. A NA giveaway should also come, soon. Please share this with everyone you know, that still plays WoT.

To enter this giveaway, just comment on this article with your WoT EU name. I will personally gift it to the sole winner, which will be picked using

Prize – Offer of the Month (19.23€):

  • Gold: 3,000;
  • bonus Gold: 500;
  • Premium Account: 30 Days

I’d also like to know your ideas of future giveaway ideas in the comments. What would you prefer? PayPal transfer? Steam cards? Or different WoT items? Please comment below.

287 thoughts on “World of Tanks TAP Giveaway (EU) – March 2021

  1. Well, as long as you make sure to only pick each username once πŸ˜… Though that’d become tedious if too many people left comments, I guess

    Anyway. On to some proper feedback – the offer is surely nice, but I feel like people who don’t play the game regularly (though they still lurk on TAP) wouldn’t be that interested in Premium days. They can either afford to get some themselves, or won’t be able to make use of the gifted ones anyway. So I’d say a tier 6/7 Premium (or the gold equivalent) would work nicely; that’d be a nice addition to anyone’s garage, guaranteed credit farmer for whomever lacks Prems, wouldn’t increase the game’s Prem T8 load, and should be overall as cheap (or even lower-priced) than the one you’re offering right now. If you want to keep a balanced amount for each giveaway, compensate the differences with some extra gold or credits, maybe?

    Anyway. Hope these’ll bring more traffic to TAP. Good luck, both to Seb and the contestants ^^

  2. ingame name: dragunov12

    Maybe in the future make some kind of tournament in Training rooms. I would like to see an old fashioned 7v7 with the old meta tanks from tier8.

    just to describe here is a WGLNA vid:

  3. Well that’s so generous from you.
    I am already benefiting from your articles, let’s see if we can have more benefits πŸ™‚

    1. Hey Seb, exclude me from the list, please. A guy from EU1 posted that using my account’s name. I don’t want to participate, as i already have enough premium tanks and gold and i prefer other guy or gal to get it πŸ˜‰

      Thanks in advance and good luck to all

  4. First thing, thank you for keeping us updated, maybe we sometimes forget to tell you.
    Nick EU: diegosgm

  5. EU name; splinterhead. I know you catch a lot of flak but it’s appreciated, thanks

  6. Absolute legends <3 name: j13esh8905eu
    keep doin what your doin we appreciate it

  7. It’s nice that you make a giveaway.
    I give it a try cuz you never know.

  8. Hello, sounds nice to me πŸ™‚ I liked the idea of a previous comment talking about tournament and other activities. Could be tedious to organise though, so not feasible for you nor the intention.
    It’s hard to “improve” it while still being simple to understand and to organise. So i think a 20€ package like you do here is fine. Dividing it into several package/people (5€ each for exemple) would only make the rewards not really attractive and a bit ridiculous.

  9. Thanks for the giveaway.
    For a feedback :
    -Maybe the reward should be a premium tank rather than premium time which might be wasted depending on the player.
    -Maybe some sort of events/games/contests to force players to be proactive in the giveway

    EU Server : powaalarkin

  10. It’s literally the longest I’ve had to scroll to leave a comment on a TAP post. Good job mate.
    BTW my username is: GrabsAssWithOneHand

  11. Hi: Macrauquenia WOT EU. Thx. Should be useful give Wot articles

  12. Thank you for keeping us updated Seb, maybe we sometimes forget to tell you.
    I do not need giveaways from you, the information updates I get are more valuable.

    EU name: Desertstorm66

  13. WoT EU name:

    Thanks for the giveaway and keeping us informed regularly.

    For future giveaways a would like wot items. Greetings from Germany

  14. EU: tonifalck123

    I wouldn’t mind the prize being split up into smaller bits, it’d make more winners and in general give little help to those that just need gold to demount eguipment now that wg made binocs and camonet not demountable for free.

  15. Hey Seb,
    make a poll before each giveaway. This way the people can say how they want it and you get a feeling what they prefer over time.

    Cheers and thanks mate

    P.S.: EU: BuddyBambule

    1. Also as tonifalck123 said split the prize in smaller prizes, so more people have a chance of enjoying the giveaways

  16. Username: grizly1973
    Password: ***************

    In the future 3D Style giveaways would be cool, when they are on sale, of course.

  17. can I sign up a friend? as a pure f2p player, he needs it more than I do πŸ™‚

    EU name: UnknownInvader

    1. EU: Beretio
      As mentioned before prem. Tanks would be more useful for the casual player.

  18. Tanks for all the posts at this block. Especially during the black market your contributions were very helpful.

    Ingame (eu): Luie12

    1. Thanks!!! Wish there were more news and that I had more time to look for them…

  19. I dont mind giveaways, but i’m here for the news. So just keep up the good work πŸ™‚


  20. Nice Idea! Thanks for that!
    And keep up the good work! You are a gem for the WoT-Community!

    Server: EU
    WoT-User: Allphredt

  21. Thanks for the regular daily content and this giveaway opportunity.


  22. isidorff

    Thanks for this giveaway, and congrats for this blog, the best one about Wot

  23. Hello,

    I used to have a Turkish Wot news blog like you, maybe you remember it was ” wothaber ” πŸ™‚ I made use of your news and translated into Turkish . Thx for that again πŸ™‚

    Now I have a ” Wot Replay Youtube Converter site that is called ” ” . Maybe some people want to use it.

    Anyway, keep the good work m8. Thx for the giveaway.

  24. EU: KillThemAll_Daniel

    I have been reading this nice webpages since I started play WoT back in 2013, maybe TAP apear later, I don’t recall, putout the competition, I don’t need another site for long long years and bonus: I think we are “concetateni”.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. I try to put at least an article per day. Once uni ends it should be better. Thanks.

  25. EU account: Vistass
    In the future giveaways i prefer wot items such as this.Thanks and keep up the good work.

  26. Me again – anything but garage slots. I’ve got over 300 of them f***ing things.

  27. WOT name: TORPID0 . Various WOT items would be great for future giveaways, aside from garage slots. Let’s be serious, nobody wants more garage slots.

  28. Hey Seb, thanks for all the info over the years we’ve been following you πŸ™‚

    Eu server: paul0903

  29. EU name: BuchiBuchi

    For future giveaways I would stick to WOT. Keep up the good work.

  30. EU server name: Th3Strick3r

    Like some wot stuff in the next giveaways

  31. Name: ButterLutter

    I like the giveaway and don’t think you need to change much.
    Gold and Premium Days is something anyone can use and doesn’t require the exchange of personal information (e.g. paypal account)

  32. Gold is the best possible prize for me. As a F2P I don’t pay to WG, but also don’t want any form of real money to come from the game or something connected to it.
    DoomHerald, EU.

  33. Username: Cojx
    Thanks a lot! Multiple small gifts would be nice IMO, more gifts more happy players πŸ™‚

  34. Perhaps the comment picker will be foolish enough to select me
    Mickleblade EU server

  35. Peter_Schiavo on EU server.

    TAP is a daily read for me. Thanks, Pete.

  36. ingame name Syiduck i have only play in like 2 years it will be super nice if i can win sometimes

  37. Razor_IX
    Its a nice Idea, maybe compared with something like RNG of the Week, or Trickshot of the Day, something like that.
    And for the Price, maybe some Collectors Vehicle or so, what is Available for you, even if its Low Tier, like a, for example, PZ 2J, or so.

  38. Would also like to participate (DreadPirateRobert).
    There was once an article from you where you said that you were hodling Bitcoins.
    I guess you are a rich now. πŸ˜€

    1. I still don’t have enough for an entry level apartment! Can afford several cars, though. My next big move will be Starlink, will put all my BTC earnings in it the day it IPO’s. If it moves as planned, I’ll be a millionaire (or close)

  39. Thanks for the giveaway… a nice gesture in these struggling times when many are suffering mentally/physically and financially due to covid…. So things like this can put a smile on a persons face fora short time.
    Maybe some pay safe cards would be a good idea. Then winners can gift stuff to friends if they wanted to spread their win about a little.
    Have fun all.
    Stay Safe

    IGN CatcusJo

  40. Ingame Name: Kanonier_Sturm

    I think the price should be connected to WoT so no PayPal voucher. Anyways, thanks for the giveaway.

  41. Fallowing for a long time, would be nice to win this 😎
    EU user: Orljavac

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