This time, the race to the top of the tree will be an especially fast one, as it’s packed with fast and mobile tanks from France. Starting at Tier VI and going all the way to the X
AMX 13 105 at the top, the French light tank branch consists of mobile, barely armored autoloaders that share a very similar playstyle.
Speed around the battlefield and support your team by gathering vital intel and spotting enemies thanks to your great camouflage value, or jump straight into action with your autoloader blazing. The 3-round clip is able to deal almost 1,200 damage in less than 6 seconds. This might not be enough to take out an enemy at full capacity, but it will leave more than just a scratch. Penetration value, aiming time, and gun accuracy are best used at close to mid-range, so make sure to have your escape route planned for when the clip is empty and you have to reload.
Fly across the battlefields from January 20 at 06:00 CET through February 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1) and take advantage of great discounts and missions all the way to the top. Don’t forget that you can also purchase an extra boost if you want to speed things up!
Available from January 20 at 06:00 CET through February 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
For a month, you’ll have something to fight for every day! This includes x5 XP per vehicle every day, Crew XP bonuses, and other significant rewards to help you reach Tier X. You can find more information about the missions below:
Crew XP
x2 Crew XP
- Play a battle
- Place among the top 7 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random and Stronghold Battles
- Only available for the vehicles featured in this special
Damaging Scout
6,500 XP
1 Personal Reserve: +50% XP for 1 hour
- Enable 15,000 damage by spotting over any number of battles
- Only in Random and Stronghold Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Can be completed 10 times per account
- The XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
Spotting Safari!
20,000 XP
- Enable 150,000 damage by spotting over any number of battles
- Only in Random and Stronghold Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Once per account
- The XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
AMX 13 105
1 Large Repair Kit
1 Large First Aid Kit
1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- Play 5 battles
- Place among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random and Stronghold Battles
- Repeatable
- Only available for the
AMX 13 105