Update 1.11.1: “Carnival Day / Night” Style Set Pictures

Styles treated as non-historical, valued at 1250 gold.

Available for vehicles of all nations and tiers.

Carnival Day


–An all-season style developed to commemorate the tradition of Carnival.

Carnival is a festive season in Western and Central Europe as well as in Latin America. When it started, it represented a final period of feasting and celebration before Lent, a period of fasting. On the day of Carnival, people dress up in colorful costumes to sing, dance, and parade on the streets. Today, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is one of the largest and best-known in the world. More than 4 million people take part every year.

Carnival Night


An all-season style developed to commemorate the annual Carnival season.

In many Christian countries, Carnival is held before Lent. The celebration always includes dressing up, taking part in masquerades, and joyful performances. The tradition of parades was born in Europe. On the day of Carnival, folk would hide their faces under masks and go to the city to participate in the massive celebration, singing, dancing, and talking to people from different social groups.

Source: rykoszet

2 thoughts on “Update 1.11.1: “Carnival Day / Night” Style Set Pictures

  1. this and lot more camos at 1750 gold, WG wanna sponge back, those coins won from loot boxes, dont fall for it.

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