Added for testing by Supertest players;
Removed “hidden” status;
AP shell price increased from 890 to 1.050 credits;
HE shell price increased from 590 to 950 credits;
Repair cost increased from 7,500 to 13,395 credits.
Kpz 07 RH:
Added for testing by Supertest players;
Removed “hidden” status;
AP shell cost increased from 345 to 355 credits;
HE shell price reduced from 490 to 260 credits;
Repair cost increased from 7,695 to 13,500 credits.
More nerfs and price increases for Charlemagne pls lol
I have some faint hope that the Kpz 07 RH will be the first really competetive German Tier VIII premium medium tank, but I guess I should stay realistic. It is German, after all.
Possibly, considering how they call it so ugly.
The ammo cost has me interested, a premium tier 8 that can do well with standard cheap AP, is great news and welcome.
Now lets see that penetration value!.
205 AP / 200 Dmg, 255 HEAT / 200 Dmg, 90 HE / 320 Dmg. Alpha is low, but DPM is very decent. The tank looks like a Light/Medium Hybrid with a peculiar Siege Mode.
The one with the siege mode is the Kunze, the KPz 07 does not have gimmicky mechanics.
You are right, I got that mixed up – thanks 🙂 The gun stats I mentioned are legit though.
Lame. 🙁
Yeah totally!
Well, not that Charlemagne is that good overall. The gun has excellent hidden dispersion but bad rof, bad aim time, and most of all it has the shell velocity of a nerf gun.
I guess having a good Conqueror/Super Conqueror crew will really help.
All Britshe tanks are the best in the game!!!!
No,the game promotes only russian tanks,that’s why they invented so many stats because it was the only way to invalidate western tanks.It is a rigid game.