9 thoughts on “WoT – Mirny-13: A Survivor’s Story

  1. honestly i feel like wg are exagerating with all of their fun- and historical-modes… this whole year feels like a chore and im quite frankly fed up with having to keep up with the current events and specials just to grab some loot. ofc nobody forces me, or anybody else for this matter, to invest all of my time into wot, but if you somewhat like the game you can’t deny a little feeling of “obligation”. maybe its just me who is overdosing on wot, but this sensation keeps growing from day to day, week to week, month to month and so on… btw im a somewhat active player since 2011 so i’ve seen it all at this point and lately this game seems deprived of any fun/joy…

    the game is filled with infinite challenges to complete and every week new timed events start and finish… maybe i need a rest

    1. Well as someone with all the tier 10s unlocked and just 8 left to buy I have to say the events generally suck. Most of them simply aren’t that fun and the rewards are never worth the time.

      The only good mode is Frontline but that was a game mode outsourced to western developer which is why its the only game mode that is actually fun and interesting.

      1. I am in the exact same boat. I have all the 10s and not much else to do these modes give me something different to do.
        Also with so many people being home with this China virus BS it is nice to have a change.

    2. Same here. Playing moderately since 2011 (29k games) most of the recent events somtimes feel like a burdon and very often it is too much nonsense for my taste. And when an event is actually making fun – like homefront for example – they limit the number of games you can make OR it turns into a grindfest which takes the fun away again.

  2. Looks like a redux of last year’s event… which we never got.
    Old teaser also showed us Мирный-13.

  3. I just want frontline back. Maybe different tiers. But great large maps and just fun.

  4. I do kind of agree. I’ve finished the lines so the events are what i’m left with and they do feel like a burden now. Especially how they overlap and driving in one mode wont build points in another. For the longest time I have enjoyed this game but now it feels more like a job than leisure. Lots of little things could make the game more fun, give us back frontline as a perma mode, give prem tanks multiple gun choices, allow us to put decals and emblems on useless styles, hell even do regular surveys of people and give then 10 gold for doing them. Its not much but it will keep people answering and give the company some idea of what people really think.

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