VK 36.01 (H):
Increased reverse speed from 12 to 14 km / h;
Changed the HP for the mounted VK 36.01 (H) turret from 850 to 1,100;
The HP was changed with the Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret mounted from 950 to 1,200;
Increased the number of rounds in ammunition storage for the 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 gun by 13 rounds (from 72 to 85));
The number of rounds in the ammunition storage for the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 gun was increased by 10 pieces (from 55 to 65);
The number of rounds in the ammunition storage for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun was increased by 8 pieces (from 42 to 50);
The aim spread of the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun was decreased with Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret mounted from 0,36 m to 0,35 m;
The aim spread of the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun was decreased with Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret mounted from 0,16 to 0,12 m;
The aim spread of the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun was reduced during rotation of the Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret mounted at maximum speed from 4.01 to 3.00 m.
Tiger I:
The number of rounds in the ammunition storage for the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 gun was increased by 20 pieces (from 110 to 130);
The number of rounds in the ammunition storage for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun was increased by 10 pieces (from 60 to 70);
The number of rounds in the ammunition storage for the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun was increased with the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 turret mounted by 10 pieces (from 60 to 70);
Reduced gun aiming time from 2.59 to 2.40 s;
Reload time increased from 6.42 to 7.48 s;
Rate of fire changed from 9.34 to 8.02 rounds/minute.
The standard and premium shell damage was changed from 240 to 280;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,242 to 2,246;
HE shell damage was changed from 295 to 370;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,755 to 2,969.
Tiger II:
The frontal hull armor was increased from 150 to 160 mm.;
The front armor of the Tiger II Serienturm turret was increased from 185 to 245 mm;
8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun (for both turrets):
Changed the damage of AP and APCR rounds from 240 to 280;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,242 to 2,615;
HE round damage was changed from 295 to 370;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,755 to 3,456.
10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 gun (for stock turret):
Changed the damage of AP and APCR rounds from 320 to 360;
Changed the average damage per minute from 1,837 to 2,067;
HE round damage was changed from 420 to 440;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,411 to 2,526.
10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 gun (for top turret):
Changed the damage of AP and APCR rounds from 320 to 360;
Changed the average damage per minute from 1,926 to 2,166;
HE round damage was changed from 420 to 440;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,527 to 2,648.
10,5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun (for stock turret):
Changed the damage of AP and APCR rounds from 320 to 360;
Changed the average damage per minute from 1,837 to 2,067;
HE shell damage was changed from 420 to 440.
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,411 to 2,526.
10,5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun (for top turret):
Changed the damage to AP and APCR rounds from 320 to 360;
Changed the average damage per minute from 1,926 to 2,166;
HE round damage was changed from 420 to 440;
Changed the average damage per minute from 2,527 to 2,648.
oh boy, they finally did something good for the poor tiger 2 … they made it like a mini e75, at tier 8. nice 🙂
Isn’t it obvious that the vk and tiger 1 needs armor buffs? Like increasing the hp will make this tanks enjoyable to play… Like it works on the tog II (so much fun to be a pinata) Don’t get me wrong, all buffs are enjoyable.
Tiger 2 is still not having a good hull armor, whish is still bad
tiger 1 is good compared with tog. i like it, and i marked it.
Tiger 1 is already one of the best VII heavys. yes the armor isnt good but everything else is. DPM , HP, Speed, accuracy and the turret armor is good aswell.
imo T29 still the best tier7 HT
If the Tiger I is so good at Tier VII, then why are the premium versions at Tier VI? No armor and low alpha is painfully bad in the current meta.
Maybe because all memorable mid-tier Prems are at tier 6? There’s no competitive potential for tier 7s. Besides, a tier 7 Premium Toger woule basically be just a clone of the tree one, whereas 131 and HT6 have a bit more individuality (and are historically accurate, as well as pretty notorious vehicles)
Because they use the short 8,8 L/56, whereas the tech tree one has the 8,8 L/71.
That’s a consequence of their being placed within Tier 6, not a reason. He was asking for the reason that led to it. Not the balance decisions that came after that
The reason is that they come in their historical configuration, with the L/56 whereas the tech tree one has an unhistorical upgrade. WG didn’t give them a downgraded gun to balance them, they moved them down a tier because they didn’t have the upgraded gun the tech tree variant has acces too.
Because stock tanks are usually one tier weaker and the historical tanks are basically the stock configuration.
we could see from the first iteration of HT “rebalance” that it would all be mostly a joke, the Russians get the full package (armor + pen + mobility buffs) while the others get a tiny bit buffed but somewhat still below the current META with all those Super Heavy Tanks and Soviet MTs with more effectve armor thickness in their turrets than the top pen value for stantard ammo among Tier 10 HTs (265mm with AP, 270mm with APCR but normalization supposedly makes it worse)
No buffs to the 40mm strip on the roof ? Eeh :/
Well this is a good start, but where are the buffs?
loveeeee the buff on tiger ii amazing
wg should buff the hull by more than 10mm. 20-30mm more would be perfect
The 10mm buff is enough to make the upper plate capable of bouncing almost all equal tier heavy tank standard rounds and with a bit of angling would also bounce average tier 8 tank destroyer standard rounds.
Wow, nice buffs. All the tank needs now is a 5mm boost to the forehead so it doesn’t get cheesed from 90% of tier 8-10 guns. (Any gun above 120mm can over-match the plate with 80~ pen, this forehead on the tiger II can’t be hidden by using all gun depression, it is still seen.)
tiger 1 reload nerf negates any piss weak pretend buffs WG are offering up.
nerfed is nerfed where it counts, potential DPM has taken a big hit.
the only thing the dirty russian tanks feared from the tiger 1 was its high RoF.
tiger 2 buffs are 10 years too late. and by that i mean literally one single buff to its frontal turret armour.
dirty russians still win, because they don’t get turret tumours that stick out like dogs balls.
I might MIGHT return to the game after a long hiatus just to be slightly more competitive in my tiger 2 versus those dirty russian bastards.
Can the kitten 2 finally lose its nickname after over 10 years of having NO CLAWS?.
Please don’t. I’ll even pay you just sonyou won’t come out of retirement. We already have more than enough salty-by-default players on our servers
Kiddo, the servers are filled with players like you so take your own advice and go into retirement. Low tier seal clubber omg
…and lol, I don’t think anyone takes you seriously. Good luck when they nerf gold ammo.
Not good enough.
Tiger II
… Tiger… P ??
Nice buffs to the King Tiger, will be worth rebuying if they go live. 🙂
Looking at the Tiger II buffs: The top of the turret remains at 40mm, so it can be conveniently overmatched by Russian 122mm guns. The new frontal armour is no match for Tier VIII+ guns. The improved turret armour is impressive, but not a real problem if you use gold against with Tier VIII+ guns. All in all, definitely a buff – especially of the gun – but the armour is still unreliable against its own tier and the tank is a sluggish as ever. Would any experienced player take this tank to Frontline now? I doubt it.
To me these buffs look like Wargaming’s aim was to make the line better, while making sure the tanks are still ‘balanced’ (read: underperforming) enough as to be no real threat to Russian heavies. Same applies to the E100 buff: while it looks good on paper, it is not nearly enough for the tank to be up to the meta.
and here we go again back to basics and to main problems with ANY buff which is about armor.
nothing else than fkin P2W ammo!
all those buffs are wonderfull and usefull…for STANDARD AMMO. For p2w, just no difference. you pay – you still pen it ! In fact, the problem is worse and worse since standard ammo is less and less effective and p2w one just more and more MANDATORY.
It is just disgisting
not to mention the other big downside of all this…historical accuracy.
Now we have tigers with 250mm armor turrets, 300mm CUPOLAS, race cars in a TANK GAME…..is there anything left about historical accuracy?? Except visuals, of course…
distusting…when you think that all this could be fixed with some PROPER NERFS on other things…
I remember a video by The_Chieftan talking about how they measured armor thickness all over turrets of real life tanks, just to model them accurately for the game. Now we just slap on 65mm of armor for Tiger 2. That’s even worse than all the ‘blueprints’ WG has been ‘discovering’ for various additions to the game.
Especially when there’s a much more elegant solution that’s already been tested: the premium versions of Tiger 1 and 2 do just fine one tier lower with their historical guns.
well, but even at tier 7 the Tiger IIs turret front would be penned by most HTs easily with AP. Only exception are the russian/chinese 122mm guns, but they can easily overmatch the forehead (thanks to 40mm armor being triple overmatched).
still the King Tiger (C) works nicely there, all in all. if people start to us 2×2-ammo, its still made of paper. the ammo rework (where APCR/HEAT doe less damaged compared to AP) only solves this partly. because doing slightly less damage is still way more than not penning in the first place.
all in all the buff looks ok to me. the slight alpha buffs for both the 8,8 and the 10,5 guns will help the line and the DPM isn’t decreased so much.
On average Tiger 2 would meet less 122mm guns at tier 7. The average pen is also lower, so survivability increases. The King Tiger (C) doesn’t seem to over- or underperform. So the historical amount of armor seems balanced.
You state that the proposed premium changes lowers alpha but this only solves things partially. But that an alpha increase of the 88 and 105 will help the line. You also state that armor doesn’t help due to premium ammo, but that the buff looks ‘ok’. These seem contradictory.
I’d say you can’t underestimate the value of HP management (and therefore alpha and armor) for the average player. Therefore dropping a tier is a bigger buff, more in line with reality, and it’s already proven to be effective. The Tiger line is also a big draw for new players, having them be both more historically accurate, combat effective and faster to obtain seems – to me – a better financial call as well. You’re more likely to continue playing if you aren’t dissapointed with the fruits of your labour.