Source: NA Portal
After the last iteration of Sandbox, we needed some time to analyze the statistics and the results of the questionnaire. We are grateful to all active players who contributed by taking part in this large-scale testing and sharing their feedback. The New Balance tests have proven to be very useful, informative and a great help to us in understanding how to move in the right direction.
Thank You for Your Feedback!
The complex rebalance consisted of many features we offered for testing. Some of our hypotheses have been confirmed, while other concepts still require further revision.
But thanks to Sandbox testing and your active participation, we now have the necessary data to keep making progress with our research and future development of the New Balance features. As soon as we rethink and update their concepts, you will definitely have the opportunity to try them out on Sandbox. We appreciate you engaging with us!
So What’s Next?
We’re currently working on the following, most successful solutions from the latest iteration of New Balance:
- HP and Ammo Rack Capacity Increase for Low-Tier Vehicles
- Tech Tree Changes
- Collectors’ Vehicles
Judging from your feedback, the overall reaction to these features has been positive, and the results of the tests were aligned with our expectations. We aim to introduce these features in the upcoming Update 1.9. Let’s take a look at each feature individually.
The HP and Ammo Rack Capacity Increase for Low-Tier Vehicles
During previous Sandbox tests, we increased the HP pools of all vehicles. After we carefully analyzed the test results, we decided to slightly adjust the new HP values for all Tier I–VI vehicles.
The changes to the HP pools for low-Tier vehicles will allow:
- Increased overall performance, effectiveness, and survival time in low- to mid-Tier battles, making them more enjoyable.
- A more comfortable transition to top-Tier vehicles.
- A more consistent durability progression from Tier to Tier.
- New players to learn more from each battle and help them become better at the game faster.
Additionally, we proportionally increased the ammo rack capacity of these vehicles to compensate for the general increase in HP.
Tech Tree Changes
The Tech Tree interface will become more user-friendly and simple and clear — especially for new players. After its visual update and the relocation of low-Tier tanks, it will be easier for everyone to navigate and calculate their optimal research path.
The central branch will be the clearest and simplest — this will be the branch of heavy tanks. From there, there will be transitions to medium tanks and tank destroyers. Artillery at the top and light tanks at the bottom will frame the Tech Trees.
Collectors’ Vehicles
Much of your feedback on the Sandbox tests concerned Collectors’ Vehicles and related compensation. These are some of the hottest topics in the tank community, so here are the details.
After the Collectors’ Vehicles feature is released, all collectible tanks will remain in the Garage and can be obtained at any time after the update goes live.
- The maximum tier of collectible vehicles available to you depends on the highest tier you have researched in each nation. For example, having researched a Tier V tank in the French Tech Tree, you will have access to all French collectible vehicles up to and including Tier V.
- To purchase collectible vehicles, you only need credits — XP won’t be required — which is easier and more convenient for both newcomers and experienced players alike. The cost of purchasing and selling vehicles in credits will not differ from the current rates. It will also be much easier to obtain Elite status for non-Premium vehicles, since you don’t need to research the next tank in the branch.
- The stock versions of all tanks will be available, so after purchasing them, you can start upgrading their modules — just like regular vehicles.
- The collectible vehicle is no different from its previous version and can still obtain Elite status, but much more easily.
In addition to Tier I–VIII vehicles, we also aim to relocate the following four Tier IX–X tanks:
Also, some vehicles will be moved to other Tiers, or even assigned to other classes. Finally, some brand-new tanks will enter the game for the first time. Here they are:
Vehicles moved to other Tiers (12 total)
Vehicle: | Original Tier: | New Tier: |
![]() |
Tier II | Tier I |
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Tier III | Tier II |
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Tier II | Tier III |
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Tier III | Tier IV |
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Tier IV | Tier III |
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Tier III | Tier IV |
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Tier V | Tier VI |
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Tier IV | Tier V |
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Tier III | Tier IV |
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Tier V | Tier VI |
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Tier IV | Tier V |
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Tier III | Tier IV |
Vehicles assigned to other classes (5 total)
Vehicle: | Old Class: | New Class: |
![]() |
Medium Tank | Light Tank |
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Medium Tank | Heavy Tank |
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Heavy Tank | Medium Tank |
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Medium Tank | Heavy Tank |
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Medium Tank | Light Tank |
Vehicles to be added to the game (3 total)
- B-5: A Soviet Tier III light tank.
- T6 Medium: A U.S. Tier IV medium tank. To put it simply, it’s the famous Sherman and plays accordingly.
- Cavalier: A U.K. Tier V medium tank.
Collectors’ vehicles will make the branches of many nations simpler and easier to understand. At the same time, you can continue to enjoy having an extensive tank collection in your Garage. In addition, we’ll introduce new medals for unlocking Collectors’ Vehicles, which will allow you to expand your list of in-game achievements.

Collectors’ Vehicles F.A.Q.
What will happen to vehicles that are relocated from the Tech Tree? Will they stay in the game?
All 92 vehicles that will receive the collectible status will remain in the game client and on players’ accounts (if they are in their Garages when the feature update goes live). After the release of Collectors’ Vehicles, all these tanks will be available for purchase for credits, and there will be no need to spend XP on their research.
How can I get a collectible tank?
Collectors’ Vehicles in each national Tech Tree will be available for purchase in accordance with the maximum tier researched in this particular tree. For example, if you have researched the Tiger II in the German Tech Tree, then the Jagdpanther II and all other collectible German tanks of lower Tiers will be available for purchase.
What is the main difference between Collectors’ Vehicles and regular researchable vehicles? Do I need to retrain Crews to reassign them to Collectors’ Vehicles?
The main difference is in how they are obtained — you don’t need to spend XP on researching Collectors’ Vehicles. In all other game aspects (such as economics and retraining Crews), regular and collectible vehicles are identical.
Where can I purchase a collectible tank?
In a separate section of the in-game shop. You can access it from the Tech Tree or by selecting the “Collectors’ Vehicles” tab in the in-game shop. You can still claim any discounts in Credits you obtained, for example, during previous Holiday Ops events.
What will happen to the “Technical Engineer” and “Tank Expert” achievements?
The “Technical Engineer by Nation” and “Senior Technical Engineer” achievements are applicable only to regular researchable vehicles.
To get the “Tank Expert by Nation” achievement, it is still necessary to destroy all the tanks from each nation’s Tech Tree, including collectible ones.
We also aim to add a new achievement for owning all the Collectors’ Vehicles in the game and 11 special achievements for owning all the Collectors’ Vehicles of a specific nation.
How much will Collectors’ Vehicles cost?
The cost of purchasing and selling them will remain the same as their regular researchable versions.
Will Collectors’ Vehicles ever be rebalanced? Are further performance revisions expected?
Collectors’ Vehicles are just as important to us as regular ones, so the same rebalance rules will apply to them.
How will Collectors’ Vehicles be equipped?
Collectors’ Vehicles will be relocated along with all their modules, and you will be able to choose which modules should be mounted on the tank. For example, for the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo, you can choose between a 76 mm gun and a gun that fires high-explosive shells.
Collectors’ Vehicles Relocating Mechanics
- If a vehicle up to and including Tier VIII has been relocated to the Collectors’ Vehicles tab, then the vehicle of the next Tier (+1) and all tanks of lower Tiers will be automatically researched*. This applies regardless of whether you purchased it or not.
- All blueprint fragments of unresearched vehicles will be converted into the equivalent number of universal and national ones, according to each vehicle’s tier. For example, a blueprint of a Tier IV vehicle will be compensated with 1 national and 4 universal blueprint fragments.
- If you have already researched the relocated Tier IX−X vehicles (the 113, the Т-62А, the AMX 30 B, or the AMX 30 1er prototype), you can purchase them in the Collector’s Vehicles tab any time after Update 1.9 goes live, regardless of whether you have researched any other Tier IX−X tanks.
Example: You have only researched two Tier IX–X tanks of the French nation, the AMX 30 1er prototype and the AMX 30 B. After the update is released, you can purchase them at any time in the Collectors’ Vehicles tab, even though you have only researched other vehicles up to Tier VIII in the French branch. - All players who were approaching the three Tier X vehicles (the 113, AMX 30 B, and T-62A), but hadn’t researched them, and stopped at the Tier IX vehicles (the 111, AMX 30 1er prototype, and T-54), and also hadn’t researched any Tier X vehicles, will gain access to the Tier X tanks of these nations in the Collectors’ Vehicles tab after the update goes live.
- All players who were approaching to the Tier IX tank (the AMX 30 1er prototype), but hadn’t researched it, and stopped at the Tier VIII tank (the Bat.-Châtillon 12 t), and also hadn’t researched any Tier IX vehicles, will gain access to the Tier IX tanks (+ 1 Tier) of the French nation in the Collectors’ Vehicles tab, after the update goes live.
Compensation F.A.Q.
I researched the T-62A through the T-54 and didn’t unlock it until today. I still have some XP on this tank. What will happen to it?
- If you have a Tier X tank in the Soviet branch, wait until the update is released. After that, you can get the T-62A without spending XP and purchase it for credits at the price of a regular Tier X tank.
- If there are no Tier X tanks researched in your Soviet Tech Tree, you can spend this XP to research the Object 140 and automatically unlock the T-62A.
- If you already have the Object 140, the T-54 will gain Elite status, and you can dispose of the XP gained on it at your discretion.
This example applies to any collectible vehicle. You can get the vehicle you are interested in even if you didn’t have time to research it immediately after the release of the update without spending XP on researching it.
Can a new player purchase Tier X Collectors’ Vehicles?
No, because in order to gain access to Tier X Collectors’ Vehicles, you must research a Tier X tank in the tree of the respective nation. Obviously, in this case, you can hardly be considered a novice.
Let’s say I researched the Jagdpanther II before March 23, but the next vehicle, the Jagdtiger, has not yet been unlocked. What will happen next?
If you already have the Jagdpanther II in your Garage, it will still stay there. If not, you can purchase it in the in-game store, in the Collectors’ Vehicles tab. In this case, the Jagdtiger will be researched automatically.
Will there be restrictions on playing in the Collectors’ Vehicles in some modes, tournaments or game events?
Collectors’ Vehicles will have no restrictions in comparison with all researchable tanks, so don’t hesitate to play in them in all existing game modes.
They say they have to rework the tech tree because “they are to difficult for players to understand”, but now the write an article thats way harder to get about the changes.
Well played WG, well played
At least I get the JTiger for free now 😉
how do you get JTiger for free?
currently got the JPanther II in my garage sitting, stock without any upgrades, horible to play it like that, does not even perform in FL
So they’ve taken all the feedback in the polls and just ignored them. Why am I not surprised?
So basically they are once again ignoring history to fuck up a German tank, the VK 30.01P was a German medium tank. I’ll bet the next upcoming Russian light is an obj 430U ltwt with only 290mm frontal turret armor……..
if they truly ignored them, then the ammo changes would have gone through
Currently have the Jagpanther in the garage, was thinking of grinding it but looks as though it can take a back seat, now!
I wonder what kind of modifications they will do to the Covenanter and the Crusader to make them relevant at their new tiers…
yeah, they will probably adjust them to fit in with high tier British lights.
They really need make them match the amazing performance and playability of those things…
You fail to understand who they mean when they said “its to difficult” but thats normal as everybody first thinks about themself
so if I spent 200k xp on a T-62A and now it’s made to cost 0 xp I can go fuck myself
and if I’m 100k xp into the AMX 30 grind I’m gonna have to spend gold to convert that xp
great. All of that for the sake of new players. If WG really cared about new players the M44 would be gone and the LeFH would not be sold every 3 weeks
Learn to read. You are wrong. Make someone else read it to you and explain it.
The changes to the Tech Tree were the least bad of the features of the sandbox server, which Wargaming took as a confirmation that people liked them. However, just because they were the least bad does not mean they are actually good.
Ah well, if they think so … I’ve got all the future ‘collector’s vehicles’ in the garage so why should I bother to explain to Wargaming that their bright idea is silly. At least we will be getting three new vehicles.
Oh thank god this patch has actual interesting shit in it. Unlike… every other patch for the past year. This one actually feels worthy to be a 1.x0 update and not a micropatch.
so do I get like 1 million free XP compensation?
The 113 suddenly got added to the soon to be retired section?
It was always going to be, along with the rest. I’m assuming word didn’t get to you because people passing along the info decided to ignore that tanks existence in particular. Ive seen at least 3 articles where they just completely forget the 113 is ALSO being removed from the tree. … i don’t think TAP posted any of them
What is the purpose of moving the T54E1 from medium to heavy ? As far as I know, only light tanks have a special class bonus (same camo stationary and while moving).
To boost health, reduce camo or make training crew less painful.
If you have difficulties following some arrows maybe you shouldn’t be playing WoT at all because you will be a hindrance to your team.
You’re not strictly speaking getting it for free. However, there are a number of vehicles that will be made collector’s vehicles and if you have them in your garage, the next one will be unlocked. You will not gain the vehicle itself in your garage; it will still need to be bought.
To give you a (I think) complete list of free research opportunities, the removed vehicle first:
KV-13->IS, A44
Jumbo Sherman->T20, T29
Churchill GC->AT-7
If my quick estimation is anywhere close to correct and a potential player was to have all the ones being removed but none of the ones after them nor any blueprints, that player would get about 700k xp worth of free research.
Thank you very much, looks like i will be grinding to the JpantherII and 71DA. do i only have to purchase the tanks? not get them elite?
The benefit of the new tech tree / collectors system is that they can add more tanks to the game without the need for a full tech tree branch… like having the Strv K for credits instead of a reward/premium
Of course this will never happen because it needs to be a premium
But Strv K is not a premium.
That doesn’t mean youll get JTiger free lol 😛 you just keep the exp from JP2 and you can keep grinding it
hehe, let’S hope not !
But jokes aside, both tanks will need completely different guns.
I feel like the covenanter will end up the the current crusader gun, the fast firing 6 pdr.
And the crusader will end up with something like the cromwell, but with a lower DPM..
oups, this was a reply to nortonthedestroyer
I think some ppl will be disapointed with this news.
Probably to eliminate the stupid crew training problems of transitioning from a medium to a heavy for tier X.
It’s so people wouldn’t have such a hard time retraining a med crew for the T57HT (I assume)
Also, reply system is indeed busted. Mine is obviously meant for the comment of dalex78
Complicated….overcomplicating things……changes nobody asked for……….if you had 100 things WG should change about their game,this would be around 96……….
WGs magical survey strikes again. Who could have guessed that their survey would tell them exactly what they wanted to hear…
youre aware they only half listened, everyone wanted the gold ammo nerf but because the ammo changes were all tied together they dumped all of it
I play WoT from 2012 but I think this is the year that I will let go this game. I started to hate the modification WG made to this game and I think is time for me to stop playing this. The most of all I hate Skorpions and SU130s, they are like a plague to this game so after my premium time ends I will stop playing the game, even that it is the only game I play and, in this way, be free of playing silly games at my age (42). Good luck to you all!
By the way : who wants a WoT account : KillThemAll_Daniel
Are you sure you want to leave the game like this?
If you are actually serious, perhaps donating your account to TAP could be a decent outcome, so Seb can do something useful with it.
Lies, many don’t want a gold ammo nerf, stop even calling apcr “gold”
Agree with you, skorpions ruins the game
so you find French wheeled “tanks” perfectly balanced?
price? ask 4 a friend 🙂
I’m curious how they’d balance it too. Also they’ve moved the KV1S back up to tier 6, how will that get balanced?
“instead of a reward/premium”
reading is hard
It will be a CW/reward tank
This is the change that made you quit for good? Just take a break for a few months dude, come back after the summer and see how things have panned out.
@ dalex78
I would bet that WG wanted to make the tank class more consistent in a way + there is a difference between the medium and heavy tank class. First, tanks in the heavy tank class get a way worse camovalue and worse camovalue on camouflage you can put onto the tank. So basically it will lose a good amount of camovalue (Well tbh its camovalue wasnt so great either).
Neah, I don’t do things half measured…when I quit then I do so, no looking back… perhaps I will donate(sell) it to someone. I will see then…
Replying on mobile is busted. Once you click on post comment it doesn’t post it as a reply but to the bottom of the comment list as a new comment.
Try now