5 years of TAP

Today we mark half a decade since TAP first went online. That moment feels like yesterday. This blog was made in order to replace another site, which closed on the day we opened. We (me and Bloodsnow) could not really get over it, so we took matters into our own hands, learning everything from scratch, with no leakers or translators given to us from our predecessor. Needless to say, a tough road was ahead and most TAP members did their best to overcome any obstacles. I taught a few former authors how to post but unfortunately they left and started their own things without giving credit, but such is human nature. I made some mistakes in the past too though, giving those people a reason to leave and I’m deeply sorry for that. Will make sure not to repeat them again. Human interaction is not my forte, sadly.

TAP is here to stay and outlast everything, including the games we post about. I know how it’s like to lose a great site, I don’t want to do that to TAP readers.

I’m really sad about the lack of Q&As and historical articles, but thankfully we can fix the historical part somewhat with some help from Erwin.

I would like to use this post to ask everyone in the comments for feedback on TAP and the new domain/theme. Previous feedback could not be received due to the paid nature of the WPForms plugin we were not aware about.

I try to make TAP load as quick as possible, but there are still 500 internal server errors very rarely. Do not be scared and simply refresh the page. I talk to support whenever this happens to me.

Next year in the summer I’ll finish uni hopefully, and that will mean more time for TAP, at least for a while. Please bear with me until then.


7 thoughts on “5 years of TAP

  1. Onwards and upwards! I check here at least once a day and I enjoy your coverage of the games we all love to rage about, and occasionally play.

    Thank you for all of your hardwork, I know I and many others certainly appreciate it!

  2. Congratulations!
    I like TAP very much, it is my only source of information for WOT and WOWs.
    Pity to hear that good people left due to your temper; I appreciate you talk so openly about this.
    Happy anniversary for TAP and I wish many more to come!

    1. Spoiler: most of them did not really post much

      You could say I’m a perfectionist, I always complain about grammar mistakes. Learned not to do it now though.

  3. Right behind you Seb as always

    5+ years been coming here followed the ups and downs always enjoyable and interesting reading latest events news, WOT leaks real of fake or otherwise was still fun

    happy to say The Armoured Patrol (TAP) and Seb
    and Status Report (Rita)

    both are still with us today .. which is amazing really 5+ years is a long time and a lot of hard (thankless) work most if not all the time

    Seb mate you have many thousands of readers from all over the World here at TAP
    and ….
    were still here

    thank you!

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