For honour and sportsmanship, but for your entertainment before anything else, this week, four teams will fight on the battlefields of World of Tanks! As mentioned in our dedicated Team Clash article, you can follow them in this glorious adventure with a new mode, and show off with exclusive items and rewards inspired by these talented commanders. But just in case you need more motivation to support one or the other, here is a small presentation of the panel gathered for this event.
This team is so awesome and so epic that it actually has two champions. Meet the AwesomeEpicGuys, the best Swedish duo ever (if you’re putting the famous furniture brand and its tasty meatballs aside that is). But rest assured that they will bring some flavour to this competition in the form of pickles. Like, a full jar of pickles!
If you like the taste of these and enjoy vigour and fun in your World of Tanks gameplay, join the Cucumber Army now! Follow them on YouTube and Twitch.
Who doesn’t love a good masked character? DezGamez is a proud member of this club, and although his face will remain secret, we all know that this guy knows his tanks. Always ready to put new, helpful and fancy content out there, this commander is as creative as he is secretive.
If you like masks, innovative content and reliable gameplay tips, this guy will not let you down. Follow him on Youtube and Twitch.
This commander is the living embodiment of the famous German efficiency. Enthusiasm, years of experience on the World of Tanks’ battlefields and a profound game knowledge is what defines the style of Mailand, a commander that many German players already know and admire.
If you believe in the power of the “Deutsche Qualität”, you know where to sign up! Follow him on YouTube and Twitch.
Did the name give him away? This commander is all about skill. Meet Skill4ltu, who probably has more three-marking tanks than you have vehicles in your garage. If you like your players to be both experts and born entertainers, you can’t go wrong with Skill4ltu and his famous “Ree-ee” screams.
Sounds promising, right? If so, join the affectionately named “Baboon Army”! Follow him on YouTube and Twitch.
“Skill4ltu, who probably has more three-marking tanks than you have vehicles in your garage.”
correction: more 100% – marked tanks
I won’t participate because 1) I really don’t like the “7×7 in Tier X” format, 2) I don’t like the idea that the ‘losing’ CC commanders get fewer perks, and 3) tbh, from what I have heard the voice-acting is pretty lacklustre. I like the general idea behind this, but I find the execution disappointing.
You must be QB fan!
Found the QB. /s
1) 7v7 is actually way more fun than I expected and I’m not the person who plays tier 10 battles often. Give it a go!
2) Amount of skills and perks is not the main thing here. It’s all about getting a CC you like.
3) Lackluster? Not really, it brings another flavour to the game and its up to CCs to present themselves.
Flavor of camel dung, This whole thing is half-baked and bad, and WG should feel bad.
Care enough to rant, not enough to elaborate.
More events like this is exactly what WG must do in order to keep the game fresh every month. And the grind is so easy with all the boosters the CC activate. I honestly don’t see anything bad with this event.
I agree I had a lot of fun today in the 7 vs, 7 and played various tank that would be outdated in the meta but still carried some of those games.
Sure, I’m an utter moron and I need QB to decide for me what I enjoy (or don’t). Jeez people …
I have played this game for a while and I think I have a pretty good idea what I want from it. Just to be sure, I have watched Dez’s stream for a couple of hours yesterday (whom I would have supported if I had taken part), and that has pretty much confirmed my opinion that this game mode is not for me. Can’t argue with taste, right? But if you guys love it – by all means play and have fun. Best of luck to you.
Just like someone already mentioned “QB fan spotted”
I have watched qb-s video on him reacting, and replying to the whole CC commander event.
he mentions that his viewer and fanbase numbers are overwhelmingly in the NA/SEA cluster.
Wouldn’t you think it would be quite devestating/emberassing for him to lose on the CC commander choice numbers against a person like Skill? thought so.
This is all due to QB vs Skill drama from back in the day. QB doesn’t support other streamers, while Skill does, QB did not like that Skill promoted him at some point and created a whole drama about something that should be a generous, humble thing to do between contributors from one to another. He wouldn’t be able to accept a defeat in a friendly competition like this CC commander event. hence he denied the opportunity. This is purely my point of view.
Another thing that disgust me is that Circon who came up with the idea of such an event, WG intentionally left him out, saying “he should have contaced WG” while QB says in his video WG contacting him in November? yeah… scummy people GG
So true about QB and he is so toxic lately in many regards. I love 7vs7. For once people don’t focus on damage & stats and are playing like a team in 60-70% of my matches. I simply love it!!!
Lies. Completely wrong. QB does indeed passionately support other streamers.
Your comment is either strongly fueled by sarcasm, or otherwise i would require you to explain how does he passionately support other streamers..
cuz if that’s true… oh boy. Anyways Skill had a video on this topic so, if anyone disagrees, just look it up, i’m sure you’ll find evidence of my point here.
I think you are a little bit misinformed in regards to circon. They didn’t contact him in this regard as there was a lot of turmoil in his private live afaik.
I don’t know about any competition between Skill and QB. What struck me in QB’s video was that he mentioned money, as in “Wargaming sharing some of the revenue” because it was using his “brand”. I would have never expected WG to pay out CCs to take part, and I am pretty sure none of the four guys who did ever once thought about cashing in on this event. QB then went on to confirm that he did not want any money, but seeing the way he brought this up makes me wonder. I think he really did himself no favour with this video; he comes across as petty-minded and greedy.
7v7 format fun??
no one knows really what to do,this isnt fkn CW.
And last but not least,giving 2000 battles noobs,which are used to drive tanks up to tier 4 or 5 or 6,the chance to drive a tier X WZ,only to do 1 or 2 shots at best,and force a defeat upon their team…brilliant idea WG,bravo.
quit playing after about 10 games,too lame,dissapointing,even worse than 4 minute random sweeps.
I was mad at first like yourself, but quickly I’ve noticed they learned how to play the WZ and if you tell them where to go they will listen and win the match. This mode should remain especially for new players that want to try tier 10 tanks.
stop lying braa
they dont listen, if they did i would win 90% of the my games
MM is simply atrocious. I typically get 3-4 oranges, 1 red, and 1-2 yellows. Win rate today around 5% out of 30 battles. Sick to my stomach
Exactly the reason why i quit after 10-15 battles.Really fun to waste your time trying to teamplay with 2000 battles/100 WN8 noobie players,with no map knowledge,no situational awareness,no crews,no equipment,no clue about the game in general,but….a rented tier X tank….yeaaaayyy.
PS:got 56+% wr,60% recent wr,won 3 out of 14 battles,half lost battles gone in under 5 min,cuz of WZ5A zombies…..rental tanks and exclusive tier X battles were brilliant ideas WG…..QB was right about this one,and i dont even like him…..
No QB. I’m out.
And nothing of value was lost
I totally boycott this mode because QB was “left out” on purpose and WG’s choice of using mediocre streamers, none of which having the amount of subscribers or same level of skill as QB.
He turned down the offer and he makes like always a big drama out of everything. Did you even watches his video? 15-40 hours of playing to get the commander??
I am 1300 wn8 player and I played for 6 hours yesterday up to level IX. What is he talking about?
Like I said. He loves to make drama.
7 vs 7 with random players is not fun at all. Even less so when you realise half of your team has rental tanks, and so, very likely very little experience on high tiers and with the game in general.
All those salty whiners. This Mode is not that bad. You get points, even if you are losing. So what?
Honestliy, i dont even care, if i lose or not.
And i have fun now. Just stop caking about your precious winrate and boom. Fun.
i know, it is to hard for most of you, but just try it.
“i dont care about winning or losing”,”its just a game”,”i just play for fun”…….typicall scrub excuses for beeing bad in any game.That comes from someone who hates stat people,gold spamming,but still tries to play good,win,AND have fun.
And to your information,i didnt mention my stats to show how “good” i am,it was just to show how bad,at least in my opinion,this mode is ,cuz it amplifies one of the most frustrating things in MM,unbalanced teams resulting in battles lost OR WON,in just a few minutes.
Calling someone a “salty whiner” for expressing criticism on something he believes is a badly made mod with a bad idea of tier X rental tanks for everybody,just shows your lack of respect,and maybe some low IQ too.
BTW,i dont think its a new players problem,they just take whats given to them by WG,that still doesnt mean its “fun” for everyone else.
You probably one of those WZ5A rookies feeling insulted mate?
For you its probably awesome to drive your first tier X tank,shooting at some trees,killing a few fences,dying last cuz you still camp in your base after 5 min of gameplay,because that is what you are used to do in your tier 3s……yeeaaaaahhh,have “fun”…..
with 32k battles i have some tier 10 in my garage, so nothing with scrub. Just an average gamer who sees no value in your unicum stats.
no unicum stats advertised by my part…..i allready explained it to you….still didnt get it?
Oh, i get it. But i just dont care.
me neither
Words and manners. Nice. You try to insult me and now i should put in my words and manners? Ok boomer.
ignore him, he is probably a child who has become a unicum by buying booster services on eBay.
insult you??go see who called everyone a ”salty whiner” for expressing their opinion in a public forum….now you feel offended?too late
@hooli_gun You have made yourself to an embarrasment. I’m offended by your childish manners and how you can have 2,5 wn8. Like a said, eBay shopping much? lol
aaah,you got me
PS:you actually felt offended because i wrote about 2000 battle 100 WN8 players driving tier X eh???
kappa,we know a lot a bout you too now…..
”Words and manners. Nice. You try to insult me and now i should put in my words and manners? Ok boomer.”
Meanwhile,@Der_Merowinger’s first post jumping into the discussion:
”All those salty whiners. This Mode is not that bad. You get points, even if you are losing. So what?
Honestliy, i dont even care, if i lose or not.
And i have fun now. Just stop caking about your precious winrate and boom. Fun.
i know, it is to hard for most of you, but just try it.”
No comment.
Actually, you bear the hallmark of a toxic and pompous unicum.
next WZ5A rental toxic bot showed of,eh Thomas?
go read Merowingers first post…….
Read your ”conclusions” about me 3 posts above,with your smart polite arguments,since you seem to know me very well
who is pompous,insulting and toxic?……..hmmmm?
dont try to turn this around on me,when you 2 are the toxic ones.
now,i dont want to start a fight with you 2, you know what they say about fighting the foolish,i didnt insult ANYBODY,was just expressing my opinion politely,untill you 2 showed up,so ill just end it here and ignore you 2 trolls.
Yes be a good lad and shut up please. You have issues within the autistic spectrum. Hence the this completely unnecessary post..just because your illness won’t let you lose an argument.
Allthough i expressed my argument and disagreement about the mod RULES,and not the PLAYERS,im pretty sure there will be more offended rental pros incoming……oh,Hi saville.
The only thing lost here,is your sence of expression and communication,maybe some braincells too.
“Exactly the reason why i quit after 10-15 battles.Really fun to waste your time trying to teamplay with 2000 battles/100 WN8 noobie players,with no map knowledge,no situational awareness,no crews,no equipment,no clue about the game in general,but….a rented tier X tank….yeaaaayyy.”
Mod rules. suuuuure.
You got triggered and you are still triggered. And all your arguments are, that all those, who like this mode can one be guys who are rookies.
Even with mit 8 Tier X you call me “next WZ5A rental toxic bot showed of,eh Thomas?”
It seems more and more, that you are not here for arguments, but more for trolling and insulting.
Calm down, even its nice to have someone like you to overcome my sheer boredom.
Still trying to find where the insult is hidden,unless you take the word “noobies”,describing new-bies players,meaning players NEW to the game with no experience at all(and no crew,map awereness etc etc),as an insult,and not a fact.That is a world apart from calling someone “salty whiner”,because he disagrees….
I was disagreeing with new players playing tier X tanks,and not saying “everyone who disagree with this mod is a noob”,as you write here.Can you even read?where did you conclude this from?
Weak bro,weak.
You got exposed,and try to convince yourself,that you werent.
Very low fruits to fight against straw men.
I was banned today for using only Solo modpack! Why WG?