We expect a lot of memes from this special, but please stay with us on this one. Whether they travel on tracks or on wheels, when it comes to light vehicles, you’ve got to trust the French expertise. Let it guide you during this new special from October 12 at 07:00 CEST through October 15 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2). It features great discounts on French wheeled vehicles and crews from every nation, as well as rewarding missions to boost your tankmen and women.

- 30% DISCOUNT On Tier VI and VII regular wheeled vehicles
- 15% DISCOUNT On Tier VIII to X regular wheeled vehicles
- 50% DISCOUNT On crew (re)training
- 50% DISCOUNT On skill reset
- 25% DISCOUNT On crew specialisation change
Boost your Crew
- x2 Crew XP for the battle
- Win a battle
- Place in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
- Repeatable
- Only with Tier IV-X vehicles
- Only in random battles
- Starts once the first win multiplier has been used up
Power on Wheels
1 garage slot
- Win 15 battles
- A battle counts towards the progress if you’re in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
- Only in random battles
- Only aboard wheeled vehicles
- Once per account