Halloween is coming, and what better way to get in the “spirit” of things than a themed competition?
“That sounds like an awesome idea,” you say. “An event for those of us who don’t have the awesome new TL-1 LPC or Primo Victoria and can’t participate in the Music Festival!”
It’s simple: Choose one of two teams and complete as many missions as possible. The team with the most completed missions at the end of the event wins.
Winning team members get a ×2 XP Weekend and six (6) Decals. You must win at least five (5) battles and be on the winning team to get the ×2 XP Weekend; to get the 6× Decal bundle, you must be on the winning team and win at least 10 battles.
We also added a twist. You can earn some items during the event regardless of the final result. For instance, if you choose Team Treat and win 20 battles you get a Garage Slot (some mission rewards are team specific), even if your team loses. You can also earn a mystery reward if you’re one of the first 100 players to complete the 100 Battle Bonus Challenge — please see the “Special Missions” in each team’s mission list!
STEP 1: Pick a Team!
SIGN-UP PERIOD BEGINS: Tuesday, October 8, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
SIGN-UP PERIOD ENDS: Sunday, October 13, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
Team TrickEvent Rewards: |
Team TreatEvent Rewards: |
STEP 2: Play the Missions!
MAIN MISSION PERIOD BEGINS: Monday, October 14, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
MAIN MISSION PERIOD ENDS: Friday, November 1, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
IMPORTANT: In order to get the ×2 XP Weekend, players must win a minimum of five (5) battles and be on the winning team; in order to get the 6× Decal bundle, players must win a minimum of 10 battles and be on the winning team.
Team Trick Missions
Mission: Candy!
- 6× Emblems:
“Skull 1”
- Win five (5) battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: Here’s Johnny!
- 2×
Large Repair Kit
- 2×
Large First Aid Kit
- 2×
Automatic Extinguishers
- Win 10 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: Tankers: Such easy prey
- 1×
Garage Slot
- Win 20 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: They’re Here!
- 1×
Camouflage Net
- Win 30 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: The Night HE Came Home
- 1 Day
WoT Premium Account
- Win 40 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Special Mission: 100 Battle Bonus Challenge
- A special surprise! Those who complete the task will be contacted by email; we’ll reveal the items at the end of the event!
- Be one of the first 100 players to win 100 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Team Treat Missions
Mission: Boo!
- 6× Emblems:
- Win five (5) battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: Trick or Treat!
- 2×
Large Repair Kit
- 2×
Large First Aid Kit
- 2×
Automatic Extinguishers
- Win 10 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: Doorbell
- 1×
Garage Slot
- Win 20 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: The Haunting
- 1×
Camouflage Net
- Win 30 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Mission: Let Me In
- 1 Day
WoT Premium Account
- Win 40 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
Special Mission: 100 Battle Bonus Challenge
- A special surprise! Those who complete the task will be contacted by email; we’ll reveal the items at the end of the event!
- Be one of the first 100 players to win 100 battles
- Must be in a vehicle Tier VIII-X
- Once per account
- Random Battles, Grand Battles, Skirmish, and Advance
STEP 3: Get Your Reward
REWARD MISSION BEGINS: Friday, November 8, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
REWARD MISSION ENDS: Monday, November 11, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
If you are on the winning team at the end of the event, you can play the ×2 XP Weekend mission if you won at least five (5) battles during the “Play the Missions” period and the Decal mission if you won at least 10 battles during the “Play the Missions” period.
Mission: x2 XP Weekend
In order to play this mission, you must be on the winning team and have won at least five (5) battles during the “Play the Missions!” period.
- ×2 XP
- Win a battle
- All vehicles
- Random Battles only
- Starts from the second Victory
- Repeatable
Decal Mission
In order to play this mission, you must be on the winning team and have won at least 10 battles during the “Play the Missions!” period.
- 6× Decal
- Win a battle
- All vehicles
- Once per account
- Random Battles only