Hello Commanders,
We’re starting the closed test for the first vehicle in the French armored car branch, the Panhard AMD 178B, which will sit at Tier VI.
It carries a 75-mm gun and has two axles (and four wheels). Of the wheeled vehicles’ new game mechanics, it offers only the special ‘magnet’ auto-aim. Two driving modes and the Charge ability are not available at this tier so that the vehicle isn’t overloaded with innovations and tankers get introduced to them step by step.
The closest ‘relatives’ the Panhard AMD 178B has gameplay-wise are light tanks. Yet it possesses better mobility and crosses difficult terrain with more ease. Also, it has good gun stabilization but limited view range and isn’t able to turn its hull in place. The armored car is vulnerable and should avoid face-to-face shoot-outs as it has neither armor nor firepower required for those. Its tactical niche is providing active spotting and fire support while relying on its swiftness.
Depending on test results, we may change the armored cars’ stats and/or mechanics. Stay tuned and may luck shine on you in every battle!
Next Tryhard Intel 1007U
What do you mean closed test… Yesterday I was devastated by 6 wheeled France Gizmo on live public server. Those bastards go 60 kmh uphill and are agile like a drone… So OP…
It has 8 wheels and currently only the CCs and some of their friends have them
Friends? WG have given out codes willy nilly. Even on their discord server and twitch streams. Almost everyone I know is testing one atm.
I guess it’s too late now to get a code…
You need to suck something fierce to get “devastated” by these dumpster fires
OP? Mine gets hits rather easy even going 80 vs targets that have APCR as normal ammo. And it’s the most crew dependent light there is. 350m with optics and low crew skills? It’s blind as a bat even when it goes fast.
75mm HE pen on that too? Considering how the tier 8 prem has it. And that works wonders doing 400 damage to the side of a Lorr or vs lights. It’s low DPM won’t be that bad if he can counter lights with that. Considering most tier 6 lights have sub 40mm HE pen.
Well this guy got it right…