In case you did not know already, ships are now fully available to play in WT. There are also paid bundles on the portal for Royal Navy CBT access (the cheapest being 20€). Short info from the portal:

With the release of update 1.83 “Masters Of The Sea”, fleets in War Thunder will go into the OBT stage and will become available for all players! From now on, every daredevil will be able to try on the commander’s tunic and lead their ship into battle!
US, German and Soviet ships have become available to research and purchase for all players, but the Royal Navy will need the best of the best. That’s why we’ve called for testers again, who will be the first to unlock access to the British fleet!
How to start fleet research
In the “Research” tab in-game, the new “Fleet” tab is now available. Naval battles are available in Arcade Battles and Realistic Battles under the “Battle” button.
In Naval battles, you will also be able to join a battle with the player’s aircraft or an aircraft issued in accordance with respawn points.
Keep in mind that the aircraft in the crew slots, as well as ships, are participating in the matchmaker mechanics (pursuant to their corresponding BR)!