Pz. II J for PS4

Seems that they want to break lowtier gameplay here too 😉

Get ready for open-beta testing World of Tanks on the PlayStation 4, which will run from 4 to 6th December!

– In addition to being one of the first to head in to battle on the new platform, testers will receive two exclusive tanks: T1E6-PS and M22 Locust-PS, decorated with special PlayStation camouflage!

– During testing players will have another exclusive opportunity: they will be the first to fight on new locations: “Ruinberg” and the biggest map in World of Tanks “Scorpion Pass”.

All players with a PlayStation Plus subscription will receive 3 days premium account and the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J premium tank, as well as other discounts and exclusive content. The game will be available to anyone, with or without a PlayStation Plus subscription.