Although an extra gunner would be more powerful for in game crew skills for let us face it, Loaders do not have very useful skills as compared to a gunner. Although after some ‘critical review’ from Wot Labs’ “Crew Skills and Perks According to a Unicum” The loader perk Adrenaline Rush could be marginally more useful on a super heavy tank with a very slow rate of fire and with a massive (for tier 9) “2000” hit point pool (based on ‘leaked’ super test statistics) for Adrenaline Rush activates on when a tanks is at less than 10% health; which is a maximum of 199 hit points for the Mäuschen.
I strongly agree with Wargaming Developers’ logical choice of two loaders and I personally prefer real life practically designed into ‘undeveloped tanks’ instead of pseudo ‘meta gaming’; for the tank implementation (is in my humble opinion) more immersive. So with that said, we should have a two loader crew for the Mighty Mäuschen!